How can you reset Windows 8 logon?


May 14, 2003
I have someone that just purchased a brand new Dell Inspiron 14Z Ultrabook and setup the logon with her local ISP email account for the Windows 8 logon. Now she has forgotten what password she put into it. We have tried every password she has since the creation of time and nothing works. There is nothing on this is still brand new...i.e. she hasn't install anything yet. So, as usual Windows 8 is a pain in the butt. You can't do anything unless you can first get into Windows.

Is there anyway to just do the re-installation from the factory recovery partition? When the pc boots up I can get the F12 Boot Menu option, but I can't do anything from there other than go into the bios or change the UEFI settings. Here is the full list you get with F12:

UEFI Options:
Windows Boot Manager
UEFI: Network Card
UEFI: Network Card

Enter Setup
Change Boot Mode Settings

Help appreciated!
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Thanks for the help! That actually worked.

I will say that MS is absolutely stupid for not including an easy way to get into the OS or Recovery Mode if a pc will not boot up correctly. Anyway, they didn't ask my input...but sure feels better after expressing it :D

Your post didn't mention it not booting correctly, only that the person could not remember their password.

If there was a big "LET ME CHANGE MY PASSWORD" button right on the logon screen, that required NO verification at all, or a simply bypass that granted Admin rights to the entire machine, then what's the point of a password?

Also, if she set up a Microsoft account, she can simply reset her Microsoft account password. Note that they will *happily* accept any email address as a Microsoft account name.

Oh hey look, an easy way to reset a password..
You can use password reset disk to regain password, if you have no disk, you can use some Windows password recovery tool to regain password, you can search them on Google
Your post didn't mention it not booting correctly, only that the person could not remember their password.

If there was a big "LET ME CHANGE MY PASSWORD" button right on the logon screen, that required NO verification at all, or a simply bypass that granted Admin rights to the entire machine, then what's the point of a password?

Also, if she set up a Microsoft account, she can simply reset her Microsoft account password. Note that they will *happily* accept any email address as a Microsoft account name.

Oh hey look, an easy way to reset a password..

The password makes no difference anyway as anyone can just boot a live cd or usb to access the machine unless the whole drive is encrypted.