How about 2d quality?? 6800's

Aug 5, 2004
Ok so I have an old GF3 by Visiontek and the 2-d quality has been poor since the beginning. Please state which brand of 6800 card you have and what the 2-d quality is like compared to previous cards (ie ATI's NVIDIA's etc..). Thx!

::EDIT:: Come on please! Im trying to decide between Evga or XFX or PNY and dont wanna get stuck with blurry 2-d again!

What im talking about specifically is that my text is blurrier somewhat near the edges of the screen and the edges of my screen are warped going down.
I upgraded from a visiontek ti4600 to a pny 6800nu, and I see no difference in quality. I figured the higher requency ramdac of the 6800 would improve IQ slightly, but I see no differnece.
Your not going to see a difference between any of those brands of cards. They are all using the same ol reference model :( (including manu. that you didnt mention)
Sounds more like a monitor problem than ur vid card.... i would try degausing the monitor or if its more than 4-5 yrs old .... buy a new one but, as for 2d i have a 5600 Ultra and havn't had any probs w/ 2d my friend has a BFG 6800 GT and has no probs w/ 2d.... actually come to think of it my laptops vid card is crappier than urs and i don't have any 2d probs.... but i would be looking at the EVGA or a BFG ... BFG for the warrinty and EVGA for thier customer service.... forget PNY their peices of crap
All the cards are exactly the same when it comes to 2d hardware...get whichever one is most appealing and if you have bad 2d then it's either your monitor or you need to RMA the card...
I noticed a huge increase in sharpness from a Geforce 2 to a Geforce 3. Since the Gefoce 3's, the video quality has been sharper. me crazy, but are you using a VGA extension cable? I thought my spankin' new NEC CRT monitor was on crack (fuzzy / shaking / ghosting), until I tried it without the VGA extension cable that I have to use due to the cabinet my PC is in. WOW what a difference. Since then, I found really good quality VGA cables can be had from these guys. I bought one of their "extra sheilded" cables, and it's a very high quality product; big ferrites on each end, and they are supposed to use individually sheilded co-ax in the cable, though I didn't cut it open to check.... :D Bottom line - well worth the $15.00....I'd buy another one tomorrow.

Good Luck - B.B.S.
Take it for what it's worth. But I've tried a BFG 6800U and XTPE on my monitor, and the ATI card had better looking text. I don't know if this was due to the DVI/DSUB adapter, but the difference was there. I'm very finicky with text, so this was a letdown for me.

The monitor is an NEC FP2141.

- D.
2D Visual (signal) quality varies quite a bit, analog CRT or DVI.

Signal quality is very important for DVI at high resolutions, if the signal is too dirty, it completely garbles the screen, much like you might expect to see with a bad videoram chip.,1558,1367919,00.asp

Even so, there were a rare few cards last year that met DVI compliance at 1600x1200. It will become of even greater importance when LCD's move closer to 1920x1440 (the perfect place for a LCD to be IMO) in the next couple years.

Nvidia has been "acceptable" for 1600x1200 CRT analog ever since the GF4. As long as the RAMDAC stays onchip, its usually much cleaner than an offchip solution. IMO, one of the best 2D clarity chipsets other than Matroxs G550 line was the Radeon 7500. In general though, I can personally still see the differences and ATi's still is quite a bit better than Nvidias.
how can you measure 2D quality because i notice no difference in 2D quality between a GeForce 2 MX, a GeForce 3, and a GeForce 6800 GT? :confused:
Im looking at either a Evga, PNY, XFX or leadtek card, brand should i trust with my 350 cdn? I have a Asus Geforce 4 Ti4200 and have really no idea which of these brands is better, i have heard good things about Evga and it seems you get farcry free! :)
Actually there is a very scientific and accurate way to measure 2D analog quality for CRTs.

Get a signal meter, and attach it to the end of the highest SVGA cable available. Alternate the screen with solid red, solid green and solid blue, black and then white.

The card that gets the closest to 0.7 volts in all red green and blue pinouts, closest to 0.0 volts on all three at black, and closest ot 0.7 on all rgb at white with Minimal voltage fluctuations, and even steppings inbetween, wins.
Go EVGA or Leadtek. My friend and I both have Leadtek cards and have been very happy with them the oc fairly well and have never had a prob. EVGA has good customer service.... other wise there is really no diff since both use reference cards
People are right, it's a problem with your monitor. Well, maybe not a problem, just a fact of certain monitors. Most shadowmask monitors tend to do this, especially monitors that claim to be flat but really are not. Some flat monitors area curved tube behind a flat piece of glass.

I want an LCD!