Hotmail to stop pop3?


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I was watching tech news and TSS (The Screen Savers) and they said that Microsoft will no longer allow outlook access for Hotmail accounts.

I am trying to see if this disables all pop3 access from hotmail? I know people pay extra for this feature so I don't understand and can't find any info on this.
The people that are paying for the service will continue to be able to use OE to access their account. Those who do not pay for the upgraded service (like me) will not be able to use OE.

I believe that this has already been put into effect for new users of Hotmail, but for people already holding accounts, this service will be discontinued this coming April (I think that's the right timeframe).

OE wasn't using POP3 to transfer mail... I'm not sure what it was, but it was a nonstandard protocol.
Don't just blame HotMail/M$. They aren't the only ones that have done something like this. Yahoo mail once had free POP3 access. They axed that a couple years ago. (except for paid accounts)
Doesn't it use IMAP?? Something about that seems familiar. Not that it matters, I guess. I would bet there will be a plugin at some point just like for Yahoo.
