hosting a personal website with this pc.

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
Hey everyone hope this is the right spot to put this if not im sorry. Anyway I have an old pc which at the moment my dad is using, can I use that pc to host my own website so that ppl can look at at sites like this.

Here is the my olld pc specs...

AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Jetway V500DAP Via Chipset.
Generic 512mb ram.
Radeon 9600XT videocard.
WinXp pro
40Gb IDE harddrive.
standard psu keyboard and mouse also monitor.

also what I mean by hosting my own website is I want to do everything myself like editing it,updating, etc etc I dont want anyone except me building this site. and what kind of networking stuff do I need to get the website to be on the net, I have an 1port adsl modem with USB and ethernet can I connect the ethernet to the old pc while having the USB connection in my gaming pc.

and yes I an a complete nOOb at this so bare with me.

Hmm, your asking for information on being a webserver owner, network admin, hardware specialist, and web developer all in one. Well, I hope you have a pen and paper available. This looks like its gonna be a long topic. :D

To me, this have been a wonderful dream of mine to have my own webserver and run a website. I have so far had to learn how to do this stuff for as cheap as possible. I am currently learning how to run Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I also have had previous networking training from reading the books my brother, the network admin, brought home. I have had lots of experiences setting up home networks for people through routers, switches, and such. Learning tcp/ip, port forwarding, trigger ports, etc. I have responsibilities to run a small website. Its just basic HTML, but I have reciently been given to the task to learn using Java Script and CSS. These all sound useful and will hopefully help me in the future job outlook.

With that being said, I have been working on all these projects for my own personal use for over 2 years now. I am a slow learner. At times it easy to pickup stuff, other times I have to read it 6-7 times to get it correct. Unfortunately getting the answers in one post on a message board seems a bit tough. I would suggest that you post what you know so far now on these subjects so that we can target the specific areas to help you out. I will be glad to pipe up when ever I have that one answer that I actually know.

(*note to all, I relalize that their are other programs and such that can be used, but these are just ones I have chose to run myself and actually had some idea about them.)

Good Luck on your endevor.
the gamer said:
Hey everyone hope this is the right spot to put this if not im sorry. Anyway I have an old pc which at the moment my dad is using, can I use that pc to host my own website so that ppl can look at at sites like this.

Here is the my olld pc specs...

AMD Athlon XP 2200+
Jetway V500DAP Via Chipset.
Generic 512mb ram.
Radeon 9600XT videocard.
WinXp pro
40Gb IDE harddrive.
standard psu keyboard and mouse also monitor.

also what I mean by hosting my own website is I want to do everything myself like editing it,updating, etc etc I dont want anyone except me building this site. and what kind of networking stuff do I need to get the website to be on the net, I have an 1port adsl modem with USB and ethernet can I connect the ethernet to the old pc while having the USB connection in my gaming pc.

and yes I an a complete nOOb at this so bare with me.


The pc will work......until you max out your connection - which you will if your site is popular.

But the usb and ethernet ports on your modem are exclusive..... meaning you use one and it disables the other.

The way to set this up is to use the ethernet connection from the modem going to a router, or switch if the modem has a built in router. Set up the webserver in the DMZ of the router. That way it will see the internet directly, without anything in between.

The other computers on your network will connect through the switch and router's DHCP server, and share bandwidth with your webserver.

Get a static IP address or go to dyndns.

Learn Linux, PHP,Apache, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET,HTML, XML and a bunch of other stuff.

Or spend a lot of money for M$ Srever 2003, and still learn the other stuff.

Read constantly, the library and the web are your friends.

It's do-able, but you will be learning constantly and devoting a large portion of your time to it.

Check back here often for help and to share what you have learned.

How's your provider? (aka ISP)

-You have to remember if you are in a standard plan, most ISP's do not allow web servers on their network.

Now, you said "ADSL" modem and sometimes DSL companies are much more relaxed about this and will let you host your own site no problem.

just be careful when you read the EULA as it might not be legal and if you do it anyway and its prohibited, don't be surprized if your connection is shut down cause they saw traffic on port 80.

Otherwise, good luck as others have said, its a ton of stuff, but its fun and most of all it will be of a lot of help for you in the future if you ever go into the field, so good luck.
this is my adsl modem.

ADSL Modem

also here is my ISP site (Australia)

ISP Site.

mine is the ADSL Unlimited 256/64 kbps but I'm changing to 512/128 kbps cause its only $10 more also is that alot for a ISP?, and thats in Australian dollars.
Your modem has a built in router, so all you need is a switch and the learning curve to setup the router properly. ;)

I pay $49.99USD a month for my DSL (3Mb/786Kb line) so I guess that we are close to the same.

Good Luck!
