Host freezes on RDP session


Jun 28, 2001
I have been using RDP to connect from work to home machine. Lately, it has been locking up my host machine at home. It will come up with error that it cant connect even though it gets passed the password entry.

Anyone notice this? I am thinking video card drivers or something. SO I turned off my screen saver and set it to not turn my monitor off after a certain time.

OS- Windows 10 pro (host + remote machine) Fully updated on both machines.
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When you post like this you should include at minimum the OS and version of it that you use. Anything Microsoft related and you can most likely point your finger at a botched windows update for starters.
When you post like this you should include at minimum the OS and version of it that you use. Anything Microsoft related and you can most likely point your finger at a botched windows update for starters.

Totally missed that, sorry. It has been added.
I have been using RDP to connect from work to home machine. Lately, it has been locking up my host machine at home. It will come up with error that it cant connect even though it gets passed the password entry.

Anyone notice this? I am thinking video card drivers or something. SO I turned off my screen saver and set it to not turn my monitor off after a certain time.

OS- Windows 10 pro (host + remote machine) Fully updated on both machines.
A few questions to help troubleshoot: When you say "lock up", what type of locking up do you mean? What's the specific error you see? Is there a corresponding entry in event viewer logs that show more details?
When you post like this you should include at minimum the OS and version of it that you use. Anything Microsoft related and you can most likely point your finger at a botched windows update for starters.
I'm surprised you still bother posting in this forum. I'm even more amazed that Kyle & co let you stick around, considering your primal urge seems to be threadcrapping in the OS forum whenever any Windows/Microsoft-related topic comes up. Can you show us on the doll where Microsoft touched you?
I'm surprised you still bother posting in this forum. I'm even more amazed that Kyle & co let you stick around, considering your primal urge seems to be threadcrapping in the OS forum whenever any Windows/Microsoft-related topic comes up. Can you show us on the doll where Microsoft touched you?

I already told you. And most likely he was botched by Windows update as it is Win10 we're talking about.

Even though the first article points to Server2008 it shows that Microsoft has made changes that break systems in it's RDP patches. The second article points to custom scales and affects normal desktops.

You can shove it Tawnos.
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A few questions to help troubleshoot: When you say "lock up", what type of locking up do you mean? What's the specific error you see? Is there a corresponding entry in event viewer logs that show more details?

When I come back to host machine, the screen will not come back....shows as online on my teamviewer, but I can not connect to it. Almost like the machine will not wake up from sleep (all sleep functions disabled).
You can shove it Tawnos.

Okay. <3

When I come back to host machine, the screen will not come back....shows as online on my teamviewer, but I can not connect to it. Almost like the machine will not wake up from sleep (all sleep functions disabled).

Are you able to ping the machine from your local network? When you say it "shows as online on my teamviewer" - are you using both RDP and teamviewer?

Most of the time when I've seen issues like this it's been precisely what you guessed earlier - video card drivers. Specifically, I've had issues with intel drivers. However, if you have both teamviewer and RDP enabled, it's also (potentially) an issue with either RDP or Teamviewer holding the gpu. Can you run dxdiag, save all information as text, and send it my way? Either here or via my nickname at gmail.
Looks like Twanos is attacking the poster as opposed to the post in question, as I see absolutely nothing wrong with B00nie's post.
To the OP, you need to clarify: Are you using Teamviewer or RDP (opening RDP directly to the Internet is really not a good idea)?

Have you tried power cycling the modem/router for a good 5 mins?
Looks like Twanos is attacking the poster as opposed to the post in question, as I see absolutely nothing wrong with B00nie's post.
Of course you don't, there are three or four of you that take any opportunity you can to threadcrap in any Microsoft-related thread. It's counter-productive, and there's no need for tribalism (e.g. nVidia vs ATI/AMD, Intel vs AMD, MSI vs Gigabyte, Windows vs Linux) to drive the conversation. I ran linux as my only OS from 2004-2008 (in fact, I have a picture of my desk from then showing my slackware setup)), and I still use it for a bunch of stuff. Do you see me shitting on others' threads about linux in the past 16 years I've been on [H]|F? If so, please let me know, since doing that would mean I was acting like a douche, and I would need to own those times I was a douche and apologize.

// Nit: tawnos, not twanos
Of course you don't, there are three or four of you that take any opportunity you can to threadcrap in any Microsoft-related thread. It's counter-productive, and there's no need for tribalism (e.g. nVidia vs ATI/AMD, Intel vs AMD, MSI vs Gigabyte, Windows vs Linux) to drive the conversation. I ran linux as my only OS from 2004-2008 (in fact, I have a picture of my desk from then showing my slackware setup)), and I still use it for a bunch of stuff. Do you see me shitting on others' threads about linux in the past 16 years I've been on [H]|F? If so, please let me know, since doing that would mean I was acting like a douche, and I would need to own those times I was a douche and apologize.

// Nit: tawnos, not twanos

No, I don't take any opportunity I can to crap on anything - I don't sugarcoat a turd, it's that simple.

This thread has nothing to do with Linux, the way it stands ATM it's you, and only you, that has any form of problem. No one from the Linux side of the fence has attacked a Windows user in this thread.

In relation to your name, it was a typo and I apologize. But make no mistake, there is nothing in the [H] rules that states a member must praise every iteration of Windows even when there is grounds to complain - Loudly.

Why do people keep posting screenshots of their setups from a decade ago? It's no longer a decade ago.
Try disabling the Smart Card & Smart Card Removal Policy services on the host.

I've seen those services jam up RDP on a couple of servers for some reason.
That's even though those services were not being used.

The RDP session would just have a black screen after login.

Event logs showed something about waiting on the Smart Card service.
Disabled the services and no more problems.

ETA: Windows 10 has a different service name, Smart Card Device Enumeration.... same idea though.
Disable both of the Smart Card related services.

ETA#2: Also make sure to set "Allow any version" of RDP on the host. Pic is from Win-7.
Don't check the NLA box on Win-10.


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The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool

The server microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_17.8600.40525.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe!microsoft.windowslive.calendar.AppXwkn9j84yh1kvnt49k5r8h6y1ecsv09hs.mca did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.

The server {784E29F4-5EBE-4279-9948-1E8FE941646D} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
Have you been messing with settings on any services?

Check user rights to RDP in Local Policy


You might want to try resetting Windows 10 with keeping your apps/files if you need to.
That's a lot easier than chasing down this weird stuff sometimes.

Windows 10 is buggier than any OS in recent memory, but at least they make it fairly easy
to re-install the OS without losing your apps and data.
