Horizontal Colorful Lines Across Screen, Whats it mean in GPU terms


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2017
What exactly does this mean in GPU terms, I tested several monitors, so i know its not the monitors, i tested several computers, so i know its not the computer

Whats it mean when a GPU does this? What is my only solution, re-flash bios in gpu?
i have another identical gpu and it works fine, so i know its not the computer or monitors,
i know its the gpu,. i updated the drivers, but i think its dying?

20180304_182828.jpg 20180304_183431.jpg 20180304_183916.jpg

Horizontal Color Lines Across Screen, Whats it mean GPU
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looks like the vram. install afterburner and up the voltage a bit, see if that helps. my 280x would get corruption similar to that unless I but the voltage. if that doesn't help then the gpu is prob dying. you could try to bake it.
Afterburner doesnt even detect it, and in the device manager there is a yellow icon,

2 gt 640, here are the specs:

the one that works:

the one that doesnt work
11.PNG 22.PNG 33.PNG

Afterburner and device manager:
wow, i just noticed, when i took the screen shots of the gpu that doesn't work(afterburner screenshot), the monitor was all corrupted, i thought all the green stuff would show up in the screenshotemm, but it doesnt show up in the screenshots

i took the other pictures from my cell, so it shows,

maybe that will help you, i dont know whats wrong with it

anymore ideas? the bios version is a slight difference, ive never flashed a bios on a gpu before, would that even matter?

I had that problem with a 21.5" ASUS Monitor I bought in 2011 it went belly up last year so I was parnoid and bought three exact replacements. It could be the card or it could be the cable or the ribbon falling down in the monitor.
It's definitely not the monitor, i use my monitors every day they are fine with my other computers,
i tired 5 monitors and same problem,
download ddu and the newest drivers. run ddu and then install new one. if it still does it try another cable but I think the card is dying. it is old...
i tried download ddu, but no success,
if i remote into the computer, theres no green lines/corrupt video

would re-flashing the bios on the gpu be worth a try?
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New card man. You could always bake it back to life but this card is old and cheap. Seems like a physical problem is happening and isnt worth fixing.
I really want to re-flash the bios to see if that would fix the problem, anyone want to recommend a link on how to do that,

would be great
failling GPU/vRAM definitively best you can do to not waste more time it's just replace.
what if i replace the vram, is that possible? i have a great soldering kit

its not about buying a new one, which i could easily, its about fixing things
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what if i replace the vram, is that possible? i have a great soldering kit

its not about buying a new one, which i could easily, its about fixing things

It’s not replaceable with normal soldering tools. And the chip would cost you as much as a new card.
I tried putting the card on a riser and i am able to see the settings missing when i connected it directly to the pcie slot,

and also i can use after burner

i'm going to flash the bios anyways to see what happens,

on the bios website i see bios: AS01, AS23, AS08

my working card has AS08, the non-working card has AS25, why isnt AS25 on that website? i find it strange,

im going to try, can't hurt to try
i flashed the bios!

the problem persists, well i tried as much as i could. at least i learned how to flash a gpu bios. pretty interesting didnt know that existed.

well time to move on.. roger! over and out!
if the issues does not pop up in screenshots. the then rerros are introduced after the miage is generated by the gpu.

if its not the monitor then it leaves
1: Cable
2: The Image sending part of the GFXcard. (TDMS?)

Try reducing resolutions and/or hz to restrained the speed of data going over the cable and TDMS(?)

not sure if tdms is the right accronym but i hope you get the point
It's definitely not the cable, i tried many of them

im not sure what you mean by TDMS, the ports? the card has 4 ports and i tried 3 of them, the 2 dvi's and the 1 vga, same problem on all of them, i didnt try the hdmi port, im gonna guess same problem,

reduce the resolutions does nothing,

i haven't tried changing the hz, i will try that

i wish there was someone who could fix it, i might have to take a part-time course in electronics
since it happens in pre-windows screens IE bios pop up etc no amount of driver messing around would make any difference... baking it could work but unless you have an oven you don't want to use for food again it's not a great idea health wise ;)

had some similar problems with my old gtx 670 sometimes but only when gaming.. replacing the card is best bet.
i already have 2 gt640's, this was a third card for a project im working on,

i dont need a better one, i specifically need a gt 640

i'll have too look into baking it, but its not looking good, looks like a dying card,

as last resort, i'll use it for one of my computers thats has no on board video, since remotely logging in doesn't give me problems

maybe someday i can find someone to fix it,
It's definitely not the cable, i tried many of them

im not sure what you mean by TDMS, the ports? the card has 4 ports and i tried 3 of them, the 2 dvi's and the 1 vga, same problem on all of them, i didnt try the hdmi port, im gonna guess same problem,

reduce the resolutions does nothing,

i haven't tried changing the hz, i will try that

i wish there was someone who could fix it, i might have to take a part-time course in electronics

TDMS ( agin i might get the acronym wrong) is kinda like the RAMDAC but for digital signal. its conveter the pciture data in your framebuffer til the commpunication signal in the cable.
consider it like the netcard in you computer but insteads its part of the gfxcard but it does it works after the imagehas been placed in the framebuffer.

wiki for the rescue
Those lines could be caused by either TMDS issues or memory going bad. IT's either the source of the data (framebuffer), or the signal being sent from the card (TMDS sent over HDMI).

Have you tried the VGA output for comparison? That uses the RAMDAC instead of TMDS. That will give you final clarification.

EDIT, missed it, says you tried both DVI and VGA. Did you make sure that the DVI signal was completely digital from end-to-end (didn't convert DVI-I to VGA to drive the monitor)?

If you did that completely separate test, then you've tested everything output-wise. Most likely the framebuffer.
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