Home networking problem...


Dec 31, 2001
Here's whats up... we have three computers in our house, mine, my sisters, and my parents. All three computers are networked into a hub that connects to the cable modem to the internet (one wirelessly). Recently, both my sister and I reformatted our hard drives. Before, the two of us could connect with our parents computer turned off. Now, when we try, an error message always pops up saying "The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available"

However, if my parents computer is on, there is never this problem. Now I know this is due to us reformatting and probably losing some setting but how can we fix this?
Would help to know what OS you are running
If it's XP, the default security settings are a bit tight for workgroup networking.

You have to either create matching username/password accounts on all machines (with non-blank passwords)
Relax security settings in the local security policy->local settings -> security options:
-apply everyone's permissions to anonymous users
-allow anonymous SAM account and share ennumeration
-"Sharing and security model...." should be set to classic (local users authenticate as themselves)

or you can always run Network Configuration Wizard.
Originally posted by axdx
Would help to know what OS you are running
If it's XP, the default security settings are a bit tight for workgroup networking.

You have to either create matching username/password accounts on all machines (with non-blank passwords)
Relax security settings in the local security policy->local settings -> security options:
-apply everyone's permissions to anonymous users
-allow anonymous SAM account and share ennumeration
-"Sharing and security model...." should be set to classic (local users authenticate as themselves)

or you can always run Network Configuration Wizard.

Sorry about that. I am running XP, my sister and my parents are running 2k. I cannot connect to my sisters computer without my parents one being on.