Here comes DirectX 11

We are still 1+ years out on this.. I look for DX11 Supported Cards to hit the shelves around Christmas..
I remember an article somewhere in which a big-name game dev said there should not be any more DirectX versions, and game devs should just start programming for hardware with no API. Be more efficient or something.
Without a graphics/physics API, we'd be back to the DOS days where developers would have to provide support for as many hardware variations as possible. Seems to me that that game dev is a moron without knowing the dire implications if such were to happen.
Without a graphics/physics API, we'd be back to the DOS days where developers would have to provide support for as many hardware variations as possible. Seems to me that that game dev is a moron without knowing the dire implications if such were to happen.

Amen to that.. The Modern DirectX APIs are responsible for the graphical and sound advancements we have seen over the last decade.

If not, we would be stuck in the dark age..
Seems too soon. I've yet to upgrade to a DX10 card. Now 11 is expected to be pushed out next yet? What is the likelihood of games adopting it given the amount of current dx10 games?
Seems too soon. I've yet to upgrade to a DX10 card. Now 11 is expected to be pushed out next yet? What is the likelihood of games adopting it given the amount of current dx10 games?

Pretty Good actually.. All newer games are DX10 capable. (or at least the big ones)
and some are even 10.1, and only a small fraction of video cards support that.
I was thinking that i bet this is why NVIDIA isnt paying alot of attention to dx10.1 because it knows that 11 isnt that far off......seems they might have inside information.
remember when 8800's were the first to release dx10 support? All benchmarks were in dx9 and when dx10 came around it kinda suffered... I'll wait until there ARE dx11 games before I buy a dx11 card...
Seems too soon. I've yet to upgrade to a DX10 card. Now 11 is expected to be pushed out next yet? What is the likelihood of games adopting it given the amount of current dx10 games?

Not necessarily too soon. Remember back in the early days of DirectX when they released new versions and patched each of them what seemed like weekly? lol
Rumor says nvidia will skip DX10.1 and go straight to DX11. Which makes sense since few games will support DX10.1

Too bad there is no physics, nor ray tracing support.
I had to make a news post about this just so I could use a Spinal Tap turn it up to 11 image.

haha CLASSIC and it fits so well. :D

It goes upto 11? YES! 11! Why could you have just made one more powerful and every number thereafter more powerful so that 10 would end up being as powerful as having an 11. IT HAS 11! :D
I think if I see another reference to Spinal Tap Im going to scream. I belong to a couple bicycle forums and one component company is coming out with 11 speed next year and people have gone nuts with these references to Spinal Tap. Oh well I guess it was funny the first 2 or 3 times I saw it. ;)
Looking at your sig, you stopped giving a shit about 3 years ago

Judging by your response you probably thought I was attacking you, hahahaha. I'm actually referring to the absurdity of the concept of DX11 right now.
Will they release it to Windows Vista or will you be forced to upgrade to Windows 7?
I think if I see another reference to Spinal Tap Im going to scream. I belong to a couple bicycle forums and one component company is coming out with 11 speed next year and people have gone nuts with these references to Spinal Tap. Oh well I guess it was funny the first 2 or 3 times I saw it. ;)

Yeah, i dont see them too often so i guess its nice to see them once in a while. :D

Btw, honda im curious. Did you post this after seeing the thread i created in the other forums? :D ;)
Whats the point, there are barely any games as it is which take advantage of any substantial DX10 features. By the time DX11 hardware starts coming out developers might have caught up to DX10. By the time they start implementing DX11 features the first gen DX11 hardware will be too slow to run those games. Its the paradox of future proofing.
Will they release it to Windows Vista or will you be forced to upgrade to Windows 7?

I'm pretty sure it'll be available for Vista as well, the main reason DX10 wasn't available on XP was the changed driver model. They probably could have made it available, but it would have required more work. Since nothing is changing int he driver model for Windows7, there would be no good reason they should hold it back (other then trying to force upgrades).
I'm pretty sure it'll be available for Vista as well, the main reason DX10 wasn't available on XP was the changed driver model. They probably could have made it available, but it would have required more work. Since nothing is changing int he driver model for Windows7, there would be no good reason they should hold it back (other then trying to force upgrades).

As much as Vista has been maligned, Microsoft did make some long needed architectural changes especially in the video driver model which will be the same Vista. Windows 7 is a dot release. Nobody could stomach a new driver model! :p
this may be a stupid question but what DX version did Windows XP come with when it first hit the shelves?
Didn't read the article but I've read in a few other sources about DX11 possible deployment with Windows 7. What timeframe are we looking at here? 24+ months? Vista is still taking off and Nvidia will catch up with DX10.1 in Q1 2009, so there's lots of time.
I remember an article somewhere in which a big-name game dev said there should not be any more DirectX versions, and game devs should just start programming for hardware with no API. Be more efficient or something.

And all programmers should use asm. :rolleyes:
And all programmers should use asm. :rolleyes:

I miss those days. :( Back when dev's actually had to try to squeeze performance, these days not that many dev's seem to care about optimizing their shit.
I was thinking that i bet this is why NVIDIA isnt paying alot of attention to dx10.1 because it knows that 11 isnt that far off......seems they might have inside information.

I doubt they have inside info, after the shitstorm of the Xbox1 GPU I don't think MS really likes them all that much.