help, xbox 360 problem


Limp Gawd
Jan 22, 2006
what happens is when I turn it on, there is no picture but sound still works, its weird it has little dots go across the screen but thats it, there are no error codes being shown so I'm wondering is this because of a bad AV cable or is it the system its self. Oh yeah, no picture in High Def or in Standard def (tried on 2 different tv's)
Call MS. I'm assuming you went through the "usual" steps of troubleshooting basic problems just by moving from one TV to another (unplug the console for a bit, unplug the AV cable, etc.). Cables are not things that just randomly break, unless it was subjected to some kind of wear and tear.
Assuming you are using the component AV Cable? There is a slider switch on the AV cable where it connects to the rear of the console. You use it to select between SD and HDTV. Make sure the switch fully seated on which ever selection you make, and not stuck in the middle.

Also, is this a brand new Xbox 360, have you ever seen it work properly?
l337x3r1cx said:
its on the right setting and yes its worked for 4 months now.

Ok, then what changed since the last time it did work? Did you get the Fall Flash update this week, and did it work after that?
nothing, this week it was acting funny, it did this earlier, but i unhooked it from the HD input, connected to standard input and it worked, then back to HD and it worked in HD. then when playing on friday it just stopped working while playing like it flashed and picture went away and there was only sound. SInce then no matter what tv i plug it into it gets either no picture or no sound, or just sound.
l337x3r1cx said:
nothing, this week it was acting funny, it did this earlier, but i unhooked it from the HD input, connected to standard input and it worked, then back to HD and it worked in HD. then when playing on friday it just stopped working while playing like it flashed and picture went away and there was only sound. SInce then no matter what tv i plug it into it gets either no picture or no sound, or just sound.

If you know anyone else with a Xbox 360, see if you can hook your's up using their AV cable, just to rule that out (I think it's a long shot, but the cable could be bad, might as well rule it out if you can). Otherwise I'd recommend calling customer support.
JethroXP said:
If you know anyone else with a Xbox 360, see if you can hook your's up using their AV cable, just to rule that out (I think it's a long shot, but the cable could be bad, might as well rule it out if you can). Otherwise I'd recommend calling customer support.

Unless you were smart and bought a warranty where your local shop will exchange it directly. From my experience to date, MS's 360 support is the #1 WORST support experience I've ever had in my life. I've been waiting to get a working 360 longer than I actually had one *functional*, and when they do send back the half-assed refurb jobs they tend to be dinged, scratched and covered in greasy fingerprints.

3 MONTHS after my original 360 died and I'm STILL waiting for a working unit. They've sent me *2* defective refurbs in a row.

For the record, I have had nothing but great experiences from MS support, and I do believe that my experience is more the norm than DragonMasterAlex. It is unfortunate that they are not able to satisfy 100% of the people, but they seem to do a pretty good job the majority of the time.
Might be a silly suggestion, and you've probably done it unless the same TV was used in connecting between HD and standard cables, but have you tried unplugging the power brick from the console for a couple of minutes, and then trying?

Also, is your Dashboard setup to automatically play the game in the try, or go straight to the Dashboard first? If it's set to autoplay the game, then try turning it on without a game in the tray.

Hope it helps.
Erasmus354 said:
For the record, I have had nothing but great experiences from MS support, and I do believe that my experience is more the norm than DragonMasterAlex. It is unfortunate that they are not able to satisfy 100% of the people, but they seem to do a pretty good job the majority of the time.

Having my doubts, given the shitty little uber-tight fitting box they give you to ship the damn thing in.

Now, MS support *proper*, dealing with their software and whatnot, is top notch, I deal with them at least a few times a year for work purposes. However, MS does NOT provide support for the Xbox 360 directly, apparently, it's a contracting firm in Texas. And they suck gigantic donkey balls.