help with simple video editing please... my "shortened" videos end up 10x as big


Apr 22, 2007
I'm trying to edit some video files that I recorded. All I want is to take a video and cut out the beginning and the end of it to make it into a new video file which is only a small segment of the the original.

Somehow, though, I got a video file that was more than 10 times larger than the original!! WTF? My original video was 525MB, 17 mins 12 secs long. The new one is only 6 minutes long and 8.23GB in size! What's going on?? :confused:

Here's the details: I tried using that popular free thing, VirtualDub. I followed the instructions in the help, selected a segment at the beginning, then deleted it, then selected a segment at the end of the video and deleted that too. So I ended up with just a small segment in the middle. And then I did File > Save As AVI. And I got the above result =\

Also, the new video file is messed up: it plays at significantly slower speed. So it's not even real-time anymore, it's slow-mo.

So can anyone help me with these problems plz? This should be a really simple thing to do, why am I having issues? :( It's also a bit urgent as I will be doing a presentation soon and need to sort this stuff out by then
It sounds like you saved it as a raw, uncompressed AVI which is why the file size is so much more than the original. I'm not sure about the speed issue tho.
I wonder if you have some how doubled the frame rate and increased the bit rate etc?