Help with pfsense traffic shaper

Red Squirrel

[H]F Junkie
Nov 29, 2009
Anyone know of a good tutorial that shows how to work the traffic shaper? Everytime I try anything I end up with syntax error marquee on top that wont go away. Eventually the whole firewall just craps out and I need to reinstall.

All I want is to make traffic on a certain port and/or IP slower, that's all I want to do, but it seems to be really confusing.
If you want to make traffic on a certain node slower...keep it simple, use the penalty box. ;)
Good point, I could use that. Right now I can't since I have a router hooked up to the LAN so it's basically a double NAT... I need to change that, but I need a bigger switch, I'm just using the router for more ports and it does not have a feature to make it act as just a switch.

But I'm using the built in throttling in Transmission and it seems to be doing ok. I was just hoping to manage it at the firewall instead but for now this will do.

On a slightly different topic Is there a way to limit the number of connections based on a certain creteria? My ISP has a flow limit, so I noticed even if I'm not using much bandwidth, after a while I can't get online because I hit the limit.
Good point, I could use that. Right now I can't since I have a router hooked up to the LAN so it's basically a double NAT... I need to change that, but I need a bigger switch, I'm just using the router for more ports and it does not have a feature to make it act as just a switch.

Disabling DHCP and plunging the port into one of the LAN ports instead of the WAN port should turn any router into a rudimentary switch. At least I'm pretty sure, haven't needed to do something like that in a long while.

Anyways I'm quite interested in how to set up and use QoS on pfSense as well myself in any case, so I will be watching this thread.
There is the traffic shpaing wizard. It helped me control p2p traffic. Throttle it down enough i could browse the web. I had to still turn off p2p downloading when i would play a game.
You don't shape traffic going in because there's no point in doing it since it already reached your end.
You don't shape traffic going in because there's no point in doing it since it already reached your end.
Pretty sure all interested parties (OP and I) are wondering how to in pfSense control and shape our INTERNAL and OUTGOING traffic...
You don't shape traffic going in because there's no point in doing it since it already reached your end.

You can't QOS traffic coming in. (You can't unless you have end to end control over the connection.) You CAN shape it. There are a few schemes to shape inbound traffic, but they all basically do the same thing. They force whatever device is using the downstream bandwidth to slow down to a set level and stay there.
You can't QOS traffic coming in. (You can't unless you have end to end control over the connection.) You CAN shape it. There are a few schemes to shape inbound traffic, but they all basically do the same thing. They force whatever device is using the downstream bandwidth to slow down to a set level and stay there.

Which works primarily with TCP based traffic. UDP does not always respond to such stream manipulation. Once the traffic reaches your router it serves very little purpose to do anything with it. It has already consumed your bandwidth as it made the trip from your ISP to the outside interface of your router.