Help with main SSD Drive


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2003
Hello all I have an 40gb SSD Drive that I use for Windows 7 64 and I have a 500GB drive for storage. I've had Win 7 installed for over a year with about 20 gigs to spare, this morning i noticed that my 40gb SSD drive was at 2gb. I'm not sure what installed or have any idea how to find out. Can you point me in the right direction, i'd like to free up some memory. There's no reason to have 2gb of storage left when the only thing on that drive is my OS and a few drivers. ALL other programs are on my 500gb drive and have been so since day 1!
I'm not sure what installed or have any idea how to find out. Can you point me in the right direction, i'd like to free up some memory.

There's no reason to have 2gb of storage left when the only thing on that drive is my OS and a few drivers. ALL other programs are on my 500gb drive and have been so since day 1!
We can only speculate as of right now. Do keep in mind that some product installations will have common elements on the main drive, regardless of where you tell it to install to.

Also look into Windows' built-in Disk Cleanup and Piriform's CCleaner utility. Run a virus scan as well.
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Thanks..i'm doing what you suggested. Drives been fine for over a year, this is strange.
Turns out it was my wife's iPhone. I had plugged it in to charge on my PC and it somehow backed it up on my SSD. I deleted the dir according to WinDirStat and now a few of my programs wont run. quite a cluster fuck, but I'll sort it.
Turns out it was my wife's iPhone. I had plugged it in to charge on my PC and it somehow backed it up on my SSD.

Doesn't surprise me in the least. Frickin Apple... just one more reason to detest them IMO.