Help! System locks up when IE starts!


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2004
Well, I haven't had a problem yet that involves the computer locking up when you start internet explorer. My computer occasionally freezes, but I'm worried now. Currently I'm running on an older computer to type this.

Everytime I turn on the computer now... everything seems normal, I log in Windows XP and everything seems fine... Powerstrip starts up (OC program, I don't OC more than 4mhz) So it seems okay. But I remember I haven't run Ad-aware in awhile. So I open it, and do check for updates. No new updates, but there is some new SE version to download now. So I click read more, I wait for about 5 seconds, then it just completely freezes. I can move my mouse at the instant of the freeze for one giant stutter leap of the mouse, then it completely freezes. Keyboard lights don't work or anything.

I then started again. I waited about a minute, and set the OC on Powerstrip to about normal speeds. I then double click internet explorer, and by the time the second click goes off, the computer freezes again.

It seems my HDD is running or maybe a fan, ALL THE TIME when my computer starts no matter how long I wait (it sounds like a low volume high pinging noise) I think it could be a virus or hacker, because currently I'm the DMZ host on my network with no antivirus software. The only protection I have is through the windows xp firewall.

I don't want to think it is that yet, considering, all I have been doing is playing World of Warcraft. I don't know why it is locking up now. I had just logged off about 9 hours ago, and everything was fine. Well, at least Windows isin't failing when I start up, as it did one time when I had a similar problem before.

I can't really reformat. But any other suggestions? I'm gonna be trying more and more restarts to see what happens. Anyone have an idea for a diagnostic test?
altec_tech said:
I think it could be a virus or hacker, because currently I'm the DMZ host on my network with no antivirus software. The only protection I have is through the windows xp firewall.
....could be. You can get Ad Aware and AVG anti virus software for the download. Sounds like you should at least start there.....

Good luck - B.B.S.
Okay, I disconnected the internet wire into my pc. I restarted and everything was fine, no noise coming from HDD after about a minute of waiting. I put my videocard speeds to exact defaults.

I figured IE would work and just say page cannot be displayed when I start it.

Well, I wait for a bit, no lock ups. I then double click internet explorer, and the HDD starts spinning. Nothing happens for about 5 seconds, then it just locks up again. Internet explorer never shows up. Does anyone know what could be wrong? I'd appreciate any help I can get!

It does this EVERYTIME! Why would it do something like this?! PLEASE HELP ME!!!
You don't understand... I can't even start Internet explorer. I don't think it's a hacker, and don't know why it would be a virus. I don't download anything. I only have played world of warcraft, accessed the hard forums, and played trackmania sunrise.

Thanks for the help, but I can't even get to the download.
I think I might have to reformat, but I'd like to keep that as a last hope.

I also have a side by side install of windows, and haven't completely deleted the old windows folder yet (they have different names, not on top install but side by side)

This is really getting me annoyed, and I've had enough of this.
Can nobody help me?! Ughh... guess I'm gonna have to do something else today other than play on the computer... like homework. :mad:
Posting every 5 minutes is not going to get you any faster response.

You have two choices:

1. Format and reinstall
2. Go to a friends house and download Adware, Spybot S&D, MS Antispyware, and all the updates for each program. Burn them to a CD and install them on your computer. Use each program to scan your system for spyware.
Okay I have an update...

I restarted it again (with internet connection in) and left it on the user select screen. I left it alone. 5 minutes later, I notice the light starts blinking, and the computer restarts on its own. I didn't think much of it and left it alone again.

I go to sleep for awhile, and I wake up to hear my fan going on my computer, with an occasional little weird noise u hear when the processor / hdd is processing I guess.

The fan was quite loud, and constant. Louder than usual. It could be the processor fan, considering I only have about 4 fans in my computer (psu, processor, side, outake)

I was a little worried, so I move the mouse to activate the monitor. I see the Windows XP basic screen saver. But it was frozen. I am really worried about this now. I'm pretty sure it is a virus. I hate jerk-off loser no life assholes that make these stupid things. Makes them feel better about themselves. (people that make viruses that is)