[help]Sharing internet through a computer


Nov 25, 2005
Hi, I have two computers upstairs in my room. I have a wireless router downstairs providing internet. Only one computer is connected to the internet in my room via a wireless adapter. I was wondering if I could hook up the seocnd computer in my room, to the first computer in my room with a patch cable or something, and bridge a connection some how. I don't know if this is possible or not, if so, can you please tell me how its done?

could you be a little more specific. I really don't have a clue what to do. by the way...I have windows xp sp2 on both of them. basically you are saying...plug them both togther with cross over cable and 2 NIC's and configure them to that the computer with the wireless adapter is master and the computer w/o one is the slave?

I don't know how to do that....:p
I'd say it would just be easier by a 2nd wireless card for the 2nd computer. They are very cheap.

But if you want to make things difficult for yourself, then you will need a crossover cable, or a hub and 2 ethernet cables to connect both computers together. I'm assuming that you have a ethernet port that is going unused in your main computer (with the wireless card). From there, if you go into my network places on the computer with the wireless card, and on the left there is a tab labeled: Set up a home or small office network. There is a wizard in there that should take care of the rest. You want to "share and internet connection". I believe the 2nd computer should work automatically once you do this, but I'm not sure of that.

But before you do any of this, go to your wireless routers setup webpage, usually, and change it's ip address so it's Otherwise things won't work because Windows XP stupidly uses as it's IP address when sharing a connection.

Do you see now why it would be easier just to by a wireless NIC?