Help Recovering OS


Mar 1, 2006
I was trying to dual boot between two drives and I screwed up somewhere. Now the only thing I have left is a BOOTSECT.BAK file, with 223gb free of a 250gb drive. Before I did this it was filled with 200gb stuff and I had about 17gb free. I haven't touched it since, how can I get my install back?
I am not an expert by any means regarding recovery efforts however; I do know that you shouldn't touch the PC because if you write over anything then you'll definitely lose your stuff. I can feel your pain in losing data. I crapped out my HDD this past Christmas and lost all my data including all of my college assignments and papers. Luckily I had 1/2 of it backed up on my thumb drive.

Hopefully the guys on here can help you out. Just try and stay calm and try not to touch the PC until you have an idea on how to recover your data.

I threw in another HD and installed vista on it until I can recover my old install.
Bump. Can a moderator move this to like general hardware or something so it gets more exposure?
1st: As previously said do not touch the drive to be recovered. Whatever happens, do not boot from it or install anything on that drive. If you installed another harddrive and installed (urgh.. Vista) on it you did the right thing. Well.. apart from the OS choice.

2nd: There are several software based recovery programs that can help even if you accidentally formatted your drive or whatever. One example is R-Studio which can be obtained for about $50.

So you should purchase the recovery tool, install it to your new harddrive / OS and then plug in the old hd and start the recovery process. R-studio will find all sorts of stuff, including months old e-mail storages etc. but you can pick the stuff with the latest dates and the files you need. Just be sure never to write anything to the defect drive.