Help Needed > Computer Continuously Uploading and Downloading


Jun 4, 2005
My desktop has been continuously uploading and downloading something I know not what.

It shows about 1 GB uploaded to about the same amount downloaded.

I had this problem before and it was a bad install of a TOR/Vidalia bundle that had set up a TOR proxy on my machine. But I have deleted all of the P2P, TOR, Vidalia, and iTunes programs. I ran antivirus, antispyware, antiadaware programs. I also stopped services on all the antivirus, Googledesktop, Windows Search, Adobe programs, and other suspect programs. Still, network is being continuously accessed.

I checked netstat and the only two processes accessing the network are:

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services (two instances instances of svchost.exe)
Application Layer Gateway Service (two instances of alg.exe)

Any ideas of how I can fix this? Any way of seeing what is being uploaded?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the tip. Did that and found out it was a program on my wife's laptop that was indexing all 55,000 photos on my desktop, so it was hitting the network pretty hard, hence the uploads from me.

Thanks for your help.
