Help! Moved offices and some PCs won't pull IPs now...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2001
They are all XP systems. They worked fine before the move, but now they won't see the DHCP server. My laptop is one of them, and I moved that myself, so I don't think it's due to hardware damage. Any ideas? They are getting the 169.254.103.x address,
"moved offices"......pretty darn vague. Was their some pre-existing data wires run in this new office? Were they tested? Or new cables run? Is there something running as a DHCP service on this network? Is there even a router in this new office? Or a server running DHCP? Or something?
Figured out the problem is with DHCP. The wiring isn't the issue. I am able to get on the network by using a static IP. Why would only 5 of the 20-30 PCs not be able to get an IP via DHCP? Our DHCP is setup on a server, not a router.
OMG that fix was way too easy. The number of IP leases were maxed out on the DHCP server :p lol