HELP! Motorola WU830G = crashing PC.


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 24, 2005
Title says it all, I've tried using and not using the included Motorola software. It will randomly cause a BSOD (typically when downloading large amounts of data or if I've got a few too many tabs open in Opera/Firefox). I've tried all the Motorola drivers I could find on Google to no avail. It's important to note that the computer crashes ONLY when the adaptor is connected (a hardwire connection with similar bandwith scenarios results in stability).

Any words of advice? Thanks in advance...

There seems to be a known issue with the win502u.sys driver file from Motorola. I can't find a solution for ya either....

Amazon Reviewer said:
There is a known issue with this router that Motorola has not spent any time fixing. It will crash your computer if you are running XP or Media Edition. The failure is the blue screen of death stating the wind502u error. This is the driver for the adapter.
AMD[H]unter said:
There seems to be a known issue with the win502u.sys driver file from Motorola. I can't find a solution for ya either....

:( k. Thanks anyway.