Help me with RAM timings

[email protected]

Jul 16, 2003
This probably should go in the RAM section, but as it relates to my overclocking situation, I thought I'd ask here first.

I have my computer running stable at 3.2GHz (I should change my sig). I ran Prime95 for about 20 hours and got no errors. Ram is at 1:1. When I ran Sandra, it told me my memory bandwidth was 5527MB and 5592MB. Now, I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm assuming it means my memory bandwidth is about 5.5GB/s ... right?

So I went into BIOS to play around with the RAM timings to see what I could see. Well, I read all the tutorials I could find, and I am still a little unsure what is what in the BIOS. Here is what it looks like in there now:

CAS# LATENCY ....................... 2.5 CLOCKS
RAS# PRECHARGE .................. 4 CLOCKS
RAS# TO CAS# ......................... 4 CLOCKS
PRECHARGE DELAY ................ 8 CLOCKS
BURST DELAY .......................... 4 CLOCKS

DRAM IDLE TIMER .................... AUTO
DRAM REFRESH RATE ............. 15.6

MPS REVISION .......................... 1.1

Ok, now I admit, I have no clue what to change here. I would GUESS that lowering the top numbers is the key. If any of you wouldn't mind, could you try to explain this to me in 'idiot speak' so that I have a chance of comprehending it :) Thanks in advance! Ideally I'd like to get the RAM running as fast as possible.
well setting them to lower ( tighter ) timeings will improve your performance however, you will not be able to oc your system as much as you would with higher timeings. For the most part, intel does not benefeit as much as a amd system with tighter timeings. So my suggestion is to lax the timeings 3-4-4-8 and stay at a 1:1 ratio and go as high as you can on the fsb settings.