Help me with my Vista perfomance problems please.


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
Just upgraded to Vista ultimate 64bit on the system below. Did a fresh install, downloaded all the updates and newest drivers for everything. I am not overclocked and my vista Score is 4.1 the CPU is the lowest score.

I just ordered a new MB, CPU, and Ram hopeing it will help. an Athlon 4600 x2 and 4gigs of ram on a DFI Dark MB, and thinking about getting a Radeon HD 3870 or maybe 2 of them. I will move to a Phenom pretty quick, I only have about $300 to spend and I had to make a cut when it came to CPU but its still faster than what I have plus its dual core.

In World of Warcraft I am getting about 1/2 the FPS I was on XP Pro, I use to max out at 60 95% of the time, now I am getting 35 or less. I am unable to play Trackmania without dropping the settings to the fastest settings which makes it look awful. surfing the net can be painfully slow at times, I will click a link and it will take 30seconds to a minute for the page to load. Yesterday when I was doing updates I kept having programs fail if I ran more than one thing at a time. Just doesn't seem right, my computer shouldn't be performing this badly.
did you install the motherboard drivers and all that stuff?

the new parts should help out alot and i would do another fresh install