Help me please, before I pull my hair out.


Jun 11, 2005
I have a 16port dlink and 2 pc's.

When I hook up one thru the router and turn on it works fine. Then I plug in the other pc and it doesnt work. So I hook the second pc alone and it works. But still will not let both work, its either one or the other? this is a wired router btw. Any help would be great, thanks :)
What doesn't work? Please be more specific. What are you trying to do?
I have comcast cable modem into a D-Link dss 16+ router.
I have 2 PC's, and when I connect both into the router they both will not work. They will work seperatly.
What exactly won't work though? They won't connect to the internet? They won't talk to each other? They won't flip a burger for less than $6.59 an hour?

SirKenin said:
What exactly won't work though? They won't connect to the internet? They won't talk to each other? They won't flip a burger for less than $6.59 an hour?


Definately not for $6.59 ;) Anyway

Yes just the internet, this is not filesharing or anything. Should be simple, so its very frustrating :)
gHeTTo.AzN.PrEp said:
^^ What he said lol. Yeah man, try to be more specific, makes it a lot easier on us.

Um ok again, I have 2 pc's 1 router and cable internet. They will only work when hooked up thru the router alone. When I hook both up, only 1 PC works?
I just hooked up an old 4port router, and both can get on IE fine?
The d-link doesnt have a reset or anything, wtf?
Cable internet will not allow you to assign an IP to more than one machine at a time. A switch just acts as a splitter, which means that each machine is trying to grab an IP from the modem, and this simply won't work.

That is what a router is for. A router acts as the sole computer as far as the modem is concerned, assigning internal IPs to each of your computers, effectively allowing them to "share" the external IP without the modem being any the wiser.

You need to head over to your nearest electronics outlet and pick up a router. I recommend Linksys.
qbackin said:
Ok so what exactly is the switch for?
It was working fine 2 days ago?

Switch allows for mutliple systems to connect on the same network.
A Router, routes connections between different networks (like the cable network and your home network).

I know that some of the places that Comcast runs, since they bought up a bunch of local/regional providers, it was possible to get upto 5 IP addresses from a single cable modem connection. If you go to the web page:

You might (not all are enabled) be able to see your cable modem's status page. On mine (beat up old RCA/Thomson) it lists:
" Configuration Parameters:
Computers Allowed by Service Provider: 1
Computers Detected by Modem: 1

So it's possible that you have just experienced a "service upgrade."

Other than that I can't really imagine how a switch was working 2 days ago and isn't today, unless there is more to your setup than you are telling us, or if there is a miscommunication somewhere still.
I brought it home. Unhooked my router and hooked up the Dlink. Both PC's surfed the web/gamed fine. G/f brings her PC over so I could fix some things. After that I hook my 2nd rig back up--cant connect.
Simple, COmcast detected that you had 2 IP's and shut one of them off. what you are trying to do DOES NOT WORK unless you pay them for the service of 2 IP's.

A typical home router uses NAT to translate requests from multiple PC on the inside of your network to one IP address that your ISP provides to you. A switch does NO translations ans simply passes traffic between all devices connected to it. So most likely what happened is that Comcast detected 2 devices connected to you cable modem and then disabled the second device.
qbackin said:
I brought it home. Unhooked my router and hooked up the Dlink. Both PC's surfed the web/gamed fine. G/f brings her PC over so I could fix some things. After that I hook my 2nd rig back up--cant connect.

If you make it Modem===>Router=====>Switch=====>PCs..... all will be fine.... You need the router......

Modem===>Switch=====>PCs will not work.... it will for one PC, won't for multiple PCs

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!
