Help me! My IP address has changed!


Mar 30, 2006
So I downloaded this program to mask my IP adress called Hide IP Platinum 3.31.

I have now unstalled the program, deleted all cookies and scanned for spyware.

But my PC keeps showing with an IP address from Saudi Arabia.

Why is this happaning?

How can I get my IP adress back.

I have a 2nd computer on my network, I never installed anything on it, and that one is working fine.

any solutions?

-"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." ( Sir Walter Scott )

Congradulations, you just found out why trying to hide your IP is a bad idea. I suggest you stop doing whatever it is you are doing that you don't want the remote site to know your ipaddress.

Now, with that out of the way; Go to start->run, type cmd. Then type ipconfig. You should get a list of adapters with their associated ip addresses. Check to see if anything looks funky ( can't tell you what exactly as I don't know your network topology ). If one of them does look funky, go to the network settings in the control panel and disable that device. Check to see if that worked.

My guess is that this software installed a second interface that it's tunneling all traffic over ( fake interface ). That, or it's a server listening in the background. A quick check of msconfig might turn something up as well.
with msconfig, there is only my antivirus running the background.

with cmd, i see 3 set of numbers
*sigh* why do ppl download programs for this when anon proxy's just as good (although Tor is good as well)

you must still have part of the program installed/running
Are you on broadband/have external modem? try power-cycling that
i have broadband.

what is powercycling? is that unplugging and replugging the modem? if so i did that, and no luck :(
Try this....
In Internet Explorer go to tools-->internet options and click the connections tab. At the bottom, click Lan settings. Under proxy server make sure Use your proxy server for lan is unchecked. could have hidden behind a proxy using just IE. But like said above, whatever your hiding behind a proxy for, you may want to knock it off.
Try this....
In Internet Explorer go to tools-->internet options and click the connections tab. At the bottom, click Lan settings. Under proxy server make sure Use your proxy server for lan is unchecked. could have hidden behind a proxy using just IE. But like said above, whatever your hiding behind a proxy for, you may want to knock it off.

I did this and it worked.

The reason i was masking my ip was cause I got banned from a soccer forums thanks to dumbass brother, and was trying to gain access again.

What is this other way you speak off?
So why not tell the forum it was your brother, masking your IP likely wont help, people have personalities online and chances are they would just find out who you are anyways.

Also using proxies and such often slows down your browsing speeds / downloads because they are so over used.
I did this and it worked.

The reason i was masking my ip was cause I got banned from a soccer forums thanks to dumbass brother, and was trying to gain access again.

What is this other way you speak off?

Glad it worked out for you.

If you want to do it through IE....
Go to tools-->internet options and click the connections tab. At the bottom, click Lan settings.

MAKE SURE Use your proxy server for lan is CHECKED and click Advanced
Under HTTP:
enter a proxy you have found and tested to work from a proxy list such as:

You can test if the proxy you chose works by using the simple proxy checker at .

Enter the proxy you have tested to work under HTTP:

Thats all you have to do!

trying those, unfortunately they make my connection really slow.

trying those, unfortunately they make my connection really slow.

Thats a big downside to using proxies. Your best bet is to follow MrGuvernment's suggestion and let the forum know your brother was in your account.
they can do

you are bascially sending all yr requests to a server somewhere in the world then then gets teh web-data (as oposed to mangling the last IP data in the TCP/IP stack)

finda fast one for you
problem is I cant access the forum so I have no email of admin to contact him.

so, that program I downloaded, you guys not recommend I use?