Help me find a Wireless Solution (350+ feet)


Pics of your wife?
Mar 4, 2010
So long story short is my sister lives a few houses down from me on the same road (google maps says 348 feet). I have a large library of digital media for kids on my server & I want to come up with a solution to get them into my network.

An internet solution will not work as my upload sucks & she is on a bandwidth limited service. There is currently nothing on her end, but ultimately there will be an AppleTV2 (maybe 2 or 3 of them infact).

My end I have a Linksys WRT 320n & I barely hold wifi signal to other other end of the next house (& my router is already in the closest corner of the house).

Would prefer a completely indoor solution as the wife wont go for something mounted on the roof if I can avoid it.

On my to consider list so far:
133 AIRWIRE Plug-N-Play Wireless Ethernet
89 Ubiquiti Ultra-Long Range WiFi Router PowerAPN & then a Wifi Range Extender/Wifi Bridge on the other end.

I would love to hear other peoples input as well. I haven't done anything wireless with this kinda distance where I couldn't use an external antenna before.
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Don't really know the answer to your primary question, but wanted to bring up that the PowerAPN is EOL as of last month. If you want to get it, better get one soon.

They are continuing firmware updates since it shares the same firmware as the M series family.

I didn't really play around with distance on mine, but it has been a rock solid product since I've bought it last year. Granted didn't see much use, but I never had to restart it or experienced drop outs.

Hope this helps!
If you have line of sight look into Ubiquiti Nanostations. A pair will run you about $200 or so.
you may want to look into outdoor point to point wireless.

This x100.

If you have line of sight without obstruction then you can just get 2 directional antenna's and 350+ feet will be extremely easy to cover and fast as well.

Pole Antenna :

Or lower profile Hawking :

I know you would prefer an indoor solution but honestly at that range you really don't have a choice if you want reliable speeds. I would recommend the Hawking , just mount it towards your Sister's place line of sight .. its not like its a giant sat dish on the roof , its pretty low profile. I'm not sure if you'll be able to get anywhere near 300mbps but certainly enough to stream HD video content.

You could give the AIRWIRE a shot but I haven't heard much on them personally and I prefer outside antenna's for any kind of real distance that I want reliable access too.
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If you have line of sight from one window to another you can do patch panels in each one, not as much of an eyesore as roof mounted and no worry of shoddy work leading to leaks.

Also, you can do in-attic mounted yagi antennas but ymmv on the succes of that depending on what's in between the two houses.
Being a few houses down I am guessing means you have a house or two in the way for line of sight
Yeah no direct line of site. If anything outdoor is done then it will have to be a few feet above the peak of my roof and there's. All the horses on the block are single story and I don't think any is particularly taller then the rest. installation for the nano stations well require hiring an electrician of some sorts as I don't have the required tools or dexterity to wall fish the lines anymore.
The nice part about the Nanostation's are that they are small and light. You could mount them on a pole and have it stick several feet into the air on your home and not cause any undue stress to the roof.

I think you could do an indoor directional antenna, even through another house, and still maintain a decent connection. Streaming media is usually well under 10Mb/s. Set the DLNA devices statically to use your IP network configuration and her devices to use her router for all other Internet usage in her home. That way everything will still go out her pipe, except for streaming media will hit back to yours over the slower connection. If you try to push all her Internet usage over your house, without the proper LOS, it will be miserable in her home.
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Insanely expensive? Be glad I didn't post the 20k 600mbps microwave ones. It doesn't say you have to specifically license them for use anywhere. Look at some of the specs and particulars it's just a badass 40 mile wireless N bridge. We have a pair for work and using them about 2 1/2 blocks.
Insanely expensive? Be glad I didn't post the 20k 600mbps microwave ones. It doesn't say you have to specifically license them for use anywhere. Look at some of the specs and particulars it's just a badass 40 mile wireless N bridge. We have a pair for work and using them about 2 1/2 blocks.

Still think they are insanely expensive for connecting with your Sister down the street to stream movies :D

They are very awesome though but still over kill for the OP.