help me decide


Nov 30, 2004
Should I buy a video card now or wait till the new ones roll out. Right now I have $430 towards a card. I found a EVGA 6800GT agp for $369 and a Ultra for $439 on ZipZoomFly. Is the Ultra worth the extra money? And when will the new cards be out, because of EVGA's step-up program which can help me decide whether to upgrade now or wait.

AMD Athlon 2600+ (2.08 ghz Thoroughbred)
512mb pc2700 ram
Fortron 500w BlueStorm
No vid card at the moment
I need some system specs..and @ tiger direct there is the ultra for 399 after 50 bucks mail in rebate.
varney said:
i would get the EVGA 6800 Ultra - $499 @

i have one myself and it come out of the box oc'd at 425mhz !!!

why not buy a x800 pro and mod it to 16 pipes and save 200 bucks and call it a day :D

It will be faster than a 6800 gt
AMD Athlon 2600+ (2.08 ghz Thoroughbred)
512mb pc2700 ram will be upgrading to 1gb
Fortron 500w BlueStorm
No vid card at the moment
tony323 said:
AMD 2600+
512mb pc2600 ram will be upgrading to 1gb
Fortron 500w BlueStorm
No vid card at the moment

If u have 500 to spend on a video card .I would buy a new mb chip and ram.

I paid 149 for a dfi nf4 ultra
190 for a retail amd64
and 140 for a refurbrished x700 pro 256mg

your system is a huge bottle neck right now for a highend game card