Help me choose. =D


Jul 23, 2005
Hi, there. I'm having laptop woes right now..I plan on getting one around Christmas when I get money, and these are my choices(hoping Dell doesn't stop selling either of these models by then);

$557 Inspiron 1200( with:
- Extra battery
- One external wireless (for Type II PC slot - Dell Wireless 1350 External Wireless [802.11 b/g, 54Mbps])
- 768 ram[256 shared, I'm adding 512--ALREADY INCLUDED IN $557]

$644 Inspiron 6000( with
- Internal wifi(Dell® Wireless 1470 Internal Wireless [802.11a/b/g, 54Mbps] )
- 512 ram(shared)
- Integrated Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900

Does anyone know if I'll see a reasonable difference in distance and strength in either of these two wifi devices? I'm hard pressed on cash, BUT if the internal has a better signal strength/performance I will consider getting the Inspiron 6000. I probably won't care about a two inch card jutting out of my laptop if it has better signal strength..but will I need that extra wireless-A connectivity that the internal provides?

Also, both entry level laptops have the same CPU speed. Which seems to be the better buy overall? The extra battery with the 1200[free] is $80 retail, BTW.
I may be wrong, but I'd think the internal Wi-Fi would have better range. Why? The internal antenna(s) are behind the screen whereas the PCMCIA card antenna is in the card. The screen is much bigger than the card, so the antenna for the internal should be bigger.