Help me bypass my school's security and filter proxy!

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Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2003
Alright, so I go to a private school where we all have laptops.. Yeh I'm pretty rich don't flame me ^_^.. This is my first year and most of the rules suck there and I'd much rather go back to my big public school.. but thats besides the point, alright here it is:

Ok.. so to connect to the internet at my school (they have wireless throughout the whole school) you must set it up a proxy on IE or mozilla, or AIM, or whatever you want to use the internet for.. the proxy is, port 80. Now as you can see that proxy has the word filter in it (lucky I can get on PBnation, but alot of sites are blocked, including webmail. Thats not only what I want to do, I want to be able to play games, and or connect to things like AIM without having to set up a proxy on each program.. and most don't even allow you.. is there someway to bypass the filter and skip the proxy just to connect to the internet like you would normal do? Thanks for the help ^_^ and help me stop this pro-comunist country with all these filters and crap! Let us look at what we want!
Man, what a blatant disregard to the rules :rolleyes:
The proxy was put in place for a reason, which is not for you to bypass
DragonTG said:
Alright, so I go to a private school where we all have laptops.. Yeh I'm pretty rich don't flame me ^_^.. This is my first year and most of the rules suck there and I'd much rather go back to my big public school.. but thats besides the point, alright here it is:

Ok.. so to connect to the internet at my school (they have wireless throughout the whole school) you must set it up a proxy on IE or mozilla, or AIM, or whatever you want to use the internet for.. the proxy is, port 80. Now as you can see that proxy has the word filter in it (lucky I can get on PBnation, but alot of sites are blocked, including webmail. Thats not only what I want to do, I want to be able to play games, and or connect to things like AIM without having to set up a proxy on each program.. and most don't even allow you.. is there someway to bypass the filter and skip the proxy just to connect to the internet like you would normal do? Thanks for the help ^_^ and help me stop this pro-comunist country with all these filters and crap! Let us look at what we want!

Silly child. Run along home now, and follow the rules.
Help me bypass my school's security and filter proxy!

I don't think so. :rolleyes:

We're not here to help you circumvent anything. Don't ask again.
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