Help-Keep getting install atempts at bootup


Limp Gawd
May 11, 2001
System: Dell Laptop, XP Pro SP2

I tried to install WinDVD8 and some DLLs failed to register, so I uninstalled it.
I tried a couple of different things (stopping antivirus etc.) and reinstalled/uninstalled a couple of times.

Then I sucessfully installed WinDVD7.

However, at bootup, I keep getting this popup window where the system tries to install WinDVD and then I get the error message:
The feature you are tryhing to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

It is looking for WinDVD.msi
The browse window is pointing to
C:\documents and settings\admin\local settings\temp\pft8, which no longer exists.

When I point it to the location of the EWinDVD8.msi elsewhere, it does not recognize it.

When I click cancel, it starts over and over again and will not go away.

I tried cleaning up the registry in local software and current user, but to no avail.
