Help: Install of Vista 64-bit crashes at end of install process


Nov 23, 2005
This is killing me. My rig (see sig) has had Vista 64-bit installed on it for over a year. I decided to format my hard drive and re-install the OS since I was getting some slow down here and there. So, I plop in my disc and go through the process...format drive, reboots a few times and gets to what should be the final part of the installation (right before booting to Windows desktop for the first time). I get the blue screen...

I've been doing this over and over and it just keeps happening.

I tried installing Vista 32-bit and yes, it works just fine...but I want...NEED to take advantage of my 4gb of RAM.

I just press F8 and boot using last known config and it got into windows... After that just upgrade to SP1...
Removing the RAM worked. To clarify, I needed to remove 2gb's of RAM (for a total of 2gb) and then after installation, I just stuck the sticks back in (while powered down).
Glad you figured it out on your own, I figured out the same type problem by basically taking my system down to bare bone and trying to install x64 vista.
I wonder if this is getting to the point of where it should be a sticky. This is, by far, the most common "issue" with Vista x64, and certainly has been seen on here many many times. When using an Nvidia chipset, chances are, you'll be pulling 2 GB of your memory to install. SP1 discs are supposed to contain the fix, but I don't have an Nvidia board to test on anymore.
I wonder if this is getting to the point of where it should be a sticky. This is, by far, the most common "issue" with Vista x64, and certainly has been seen on here many many times. When using an Nvidia chipset, chances are, you'll be pulling 2 GB of your memory to install. SP1 discs are supposed to contain the fix, but I don't have an Nvidia board to test on anymore.

Sorry for not digging deeper through the forum before posting. But yeah, this should be a sticky. It's an easy as hell fix to this problem.

One thing to note, I had to take out 2gb's again when Vista was doing its Windows Update the first time around. When it rebooted, I got the BSOD.
Odd, I have heard of people having the 4 GB Vista x64 issue but not experienced it myself. I bought both 2, 2GB Sticks of ram and Vista x64 Home Premium and did a clean install with all 4 GB populated on the board with zero issues.
You have an Intel board....that's why you haven't had the issue. As mentioned above, it seems to only affect Nvidia chipset boards.