help! computer plays tune and stops on boot screen.


Oct 29, 2002
I'm having a pretty big problem all of a sudden. When I start up, the mb play round a 9 note tune with beeps in a upwards scale. It's a Nforce2 and it stops when detecting the ide drives. i hit delete and it makes a click noise and will not let me go into the bios. does anyone know what this problem is? how can I resolve it?
thanks for the beep codes, im trying to count how many there are now. the beeps go pretty quick so it's really hard to count. I'll reconnect the videocard first because if it's 9 or 10 beeps im not too sure what to do. it's an a7n8x-dx. ill let you know what more i find out about it.
That's the same mobo I have and it has an Award BIOS. The closest beep code to "around 9 beeps" I know of is the endless loop that occurs when there's a RAM issue (endless loop) or CPU issue (repeating high low beeps. Sounds like a european police car siren). If reseating the video card doesn't resolve it, you may want to try reseating your DIMM's and/or your CPU.
i recorded the beeps and slowed it down to find out it's 7 beeps. according to that one page it just says send board in for repair. ill swap the memory around and the cpu also to see if that helps.
Each BIOS has different beep codes. The list of codes you're refering to is for the AMI BIOS. The mobo you have uses an Award BIOS and unfortunatly none of the beep codes I can find so far are more than 4 beeps except for the endless loop codes.

Hopefully reseating your video card and/or CPU will correct the problem. If not, you may have to email Asus Tech Support.
the mb plays the set of beeps and then pauses for about 8 seconds. the hs doesnt feel warm but the videocad hs does. im going to put another cpu in and see how it goes.
UPDATE: its my maxtor 160gb calypso thats beeping 7 note tunes. I know this for sure and the bios says the hd is 0mb. the beeping stops with a different hd in and i put the hd in a external case and it beeps in and computer i put it in. anyone know anything about this???
Selfdestruct said:
UPDATE: its my maxtor 160gb calypso thats beeping 7 note tunes. I know this for sure and the bios says the hd is 0mb. the beeping stops with a different hd in and i put the hd in a external case and it beeps in and computer i put it in. anyone know anything about this???

run diagnostics on it ... download it from Maxtor's site .... first time I heard HDs giving beep codes ... :D
So it's not even spinning? HAve you tried the freezer trick? Place it inside a ZIP bag ... then stick it in your freezer for about an hour ... when it nicely frozen ... plug it in your PC, and see if it will work long enough ... long shot ... but worth the trouble if you want to recover some files ...
IT WORKS!!! No I didnt try the freezer trick. All it took was some taps with a screwdriver untill the disks started spinning again. wow this was a strange problem but I wasnt the first.
lol i would say thats true. this maxtor is out of a 90 day warranty though cause my last maxtor died within the 1 year warranty. its pretty pathetic.