HDMI - Get Sceptre or wait for others?


Jan 8, 2007
Hi all,

First I want to say thanks for the feedback in my other thread. I have read the posts regarding the Sceptre and from I can gather it is a good LCD except:

1. Backlight bleeding
2. 1080P issues on a PS3
3. Bad stand
4. Colors are off

My question is this - would it be a better idea to wait for other HDMI monitors to come out? (such as BenQ FP222WH) I am trying to stay in the 300-400 price range.

Is backlight bleeding and off colors something the BenQ FP222WH will also have? (is it the same panel?) Will it be about the same as the Sceptre, or something worth waiting for?
Hi all,

First I want to say thanks for the feedback in my other thread. I have read the posts regarding the Sceptre and from I can gather it is a good LCD except:

1. Backlight bleeding
2. 1080P issues on a PS3
3. Bad stand
4. Colors are off

My question is this - would it be a better idea to wait for other HDMI monitors to come out? (such as BenQ FP222WH) I am trying to stay in the 300-400 price range.

Is backlight bleeding and off colors something the BenQ FP222WH will also have? (is it the same panel?) Will it be about the same as the Sceptre, or something worth waiting for?

1. Backlight bleeding was an issue from mine, but I turned the lamp down to zero and its still a little bit noticeable on solid black screens, but its really not that bad and its only at the bottom of my screen.

2. There are no 1080p issues with the PS3 using the current firmware. The monitors they shipped in October and November had some artifacting in 1080p, but these have been fixed and anyone who currently has these problems can send their monitor to Sceptre for the update.

3. The stand is a non-issue unless you plan on moving your monitor around or are practicing the latest UFC moves on top of your desk. Could it be better? I guess it could, but its been sitting solidly on my desk for 3 days now since I got it and it hasn't wobbled even the slightest bit.

4. The colors are off badly shipped from the factory, they have a very washed out look to them, however there are 5 color presets on the HDMI input and you'll probably find one that's to your liking. If not, you can always adjust the colors themselves on your own. The monitor has a ton of options for black levels, brightness, contrast, red, green, blue, lamp brightness, etc.

Here are some of the latest pics I took this morning playing the JPN Motorstorm import. Please note, my camera sucks and the photographer sucks even worse :D




