hd tune's health tab reports failure with my new HD... confusing results, help


Limp Gawd
Sep 12, 2005
well I currently have two samsung spinpoint 200g sata2 harddrives.. they work fine. i got a new harddrive, seagate 320g 7200.10 sata2, and installed it. i go to run HD tune on it, and the health tab reports as follows:

HD Tune: ST3320620AS Health

ID Current Worst ThresholdData Status
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 111 100 6 41356307 Ok
(03) Spin Up Time 96 96 0 0 Ok
(04) Start/Stop Count 100 100 20 2 Ok
(05) Reallocated Sector Count 100 100 36 0 Ok
(07) Seek Error Rate 100 253 30 87181 Failed
(09) Power On Hours Count 100 100 0 1 Ok
(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 97 0 Ok
(0C) Power Cycle Count 100 100 20 4 Ok
(BB) (unknown attribute) 100 100 0 0 Ok
(BD) (unknown attribute) 100 100 0 0 Ok
(BE) (unknown attribute) 57 56 45 740818987 Ok
(C2) Temperature 43 44 0 43 Ok
(C3) Hardware ECC Recovered 76 75 0 130515640 Ok
(C5) Current Pending Sector 100 100 0 0 Ok
(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 100 100 0 0 Ok
(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 200 200 0 0 Ok
(C8) Write Error Rate 100 253 0 0 Ok
(CA) (unknown attribute) 100 253 0 0 Ok

Power On Time : 1
Health Status : Failed

the (07) Seek Error Rate 100 253 30 87181 Failed

is the one that is the failure. this reads "Ok" with my Samsung drives!!!!

What does this mean?

What can I do?

I really don't want to return this drive for it...

On the benchmark tests, it's scoring well, and the error scan showed no errors... it's just this health tab giving me this seek error rate failure

someone help me
You should try the Seagate tools that came with the drives (if retail) or on their website (if OEM). I had the same problem with the 400GB PATA drives (ST3400632A) where 3rd party software noted that the Seek Error Rate and a few other readings failed quite badly, though the drive worked fine. Not sure why that's the case, but running the Seagate diagnostics for me showed everything fine, and I've had the drives for 7 months now with no issues.