Having Activations problems? NF4 Mobo


Feb 4, 2007
This post is to inform people people who have a problem with vista 64 bit constantly deactivating. I do not have knowledge of 32 bit versions having this problem, but they may also have the same problem because it is a 32bit driver.

I myself had that problem and recently discovered what is causing this.
People who have NF4 motherboards with NVraid & Sillicon raid chip be carefull when you configure raid 0 array's on the sillicon chip.

When using drivers for the silicon chip make sure you have the latest beta driver from silicon. Found here http://www.siliconimage.com/docs/3114 x86 r5 15130_beta.zip

Previous drivers will cause de-activation of vista.
Because after every reboot those old drivers will give the raid array a different serial number
which Vista will mark as a hardware change, thus giving you 3 days to reactivate your copy.

When trying to do this online you might get the "this product key is already in use message' which will put you trough the phone option.

I myself had to use the phone option 7 times before I figured out what the problem was,
Microsoft helpdesk does not know of this problem so after 7 times they might give you a hard time.

I will give the referal number provided by microsoft in the the Netherlands as they have a database with ticket information. I explained the cause to MS technical helpdesk staff in the Netherlands.

You might want to refer to this number if they give you a hard time it is SRQ070130601789

Hope to be of help to anyone having the same problems.

Regards tupelo :cool:
Is the problem because Vista 64 is pickier when it comes to drivers? My simple solution would be to do away with RAID0, but I guess that's for another thread. No hassle, no performance loss.
I don't think 64 bit driver signing has anything to do with this because it is not recognized as an unassigned driver.