have two questions about vista


Mar 28, 2007
Okay well, i have a new sound card and decided to format my sata drive and reinstall windows... My dilema is this, i have windows xp 64bit I like it but i was also able to get windows vista except i am not sure if it is 32 bit or 64 bit since i got it from a friend and i no longer speak to him.

My first question is since i have xp 64 on the machine now, when i go to install vista it comes to a screen where i can pick basic, home, premium, ultimate. would this mean that this is the 64 bit vista version ? i doubt that if i have xp 64bit that the vista would upgrade or install a 32 bit version of vista right?

Second question, i have two sata drives on my pc first drive has xp 64 bit and the second drive is just holding the windows vista files nothing installed. what i do is i start the windows vista install from the second drive to put it on the first drive. but since the second drive does not have a os on it does it know that i have xp 64 bit on it the first drive or does it think its a fresh install and is putting vista 32 bit... cause i have tried this but i do not know how to tell if i have vista 64 bit or 32 bit running and help ??? thanks
I'm going to try and sort through this, but I might skip something. Just because you're given a choice of versions to install on the Vista disc, doesn't really tell you if it's 32 or 64. As far as upgrading XP64 to Vista32....that's a good question. My guess is, it would work...but that's only a guess.

Assuming this Vista copy is legal, I would recommend doing a full, clean install. That's probably the easiest and safest way to go. If it's not a legal copy, there isn't much else that can be said, and I wouldn't even bother using it.
Do you have the coa for your Vista disk?

And I agree with djnes, I don't see any reason why you would be unable to install a 32bit version of Vista over a 64bit XP install... but I wouldn't recommend it, a clean install is best.

And the license key (the number on the coa) is what will determine what version of Vista you get.
i see.... well, if i wanna do a clean install do i need to have the disk or can i copy the files i have onto a disk and do it that way? cause when i first did the install from xp 64 to vista i formated my c drive and then i ran the vista setup from my d drive and choose to install it on the c: drive wouldnt that be a clean install????

And as for determining if i have 64 bit or 32 bit vista i dont have the key with my now but what number am i looking for to determine the version on the license? and is there another way to tell if i have 64 or 32 bit, like some files or what?
If you don't have the setup files on disc, I'm going to say with 99.9% certainty, that you don't have a legal copy, and there isn't going to be much help coming your way. Without a real, bootable Vista disc, I would completely forget about installing it.
actually i have installed it a couple times already and it works, i just cannot figure out if it is 64 bit or 32 bit is there anyway to tell besides the license number? you would think it would say 64 bit or 32 bit somewhere like on my now installed xp 64 bit. which would be the better one to go with the xp64 bit or vista 32 bit?
You installed it a few times, so I would think you'd know. Did you have a choice between a Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories? If so, you have x64.

As for which one you should use, I'll say whichever one is legal. It still sounds like your Vista is pirated, but you'll be the one hit with issues down the road because of it.

In general, only you can answer which one is better. You know your hardware and software better than us. Researching the compatibility will yield your answer.
Okay well, i have a new sound card and decided to format my sata drive and reinstall windows... My dilema is this, i have windows xp 64bit I like it but i was also able to get windows vista except i am not sure if it is 32 bit or 64 bit since i got it from a friend and i no longer speak to him.

Not going to touch that one.

i doubt that if i have xp 64bit that the vista would upgrade or install a 32 bit version of vista right?

Correct. You can't upgrade FROM 64bit TO 32bit OS. Wipe and roll.

Second question, i have two sata drives on my pc first drive has xp 64 bit and the second drive is just holding the windows vista files nothing installed.

So you got the OS Files but not a disc eh? Yearrrrggghhhhh.

what i do is i start the windows vista install from the second drive to put it on the first drive. but since the second drive does not have a os on it does it know that i have xp 64 bit on it the first drive or does it think its a fresh install and is putting vista 32 bit... cause i have tried this but i do not know how to tell if i have vista 64 bit or 32 bit running and help ??? thanks

If you're talking about how to detrmine what version you're running post installation;
start >> run

'x86' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
hey djnes, when you say if i had the option between program files do you mean when the screen comes up to select basic, home, premium, or ultimate? if not do you mean are there multiple program files that state x86 or x64 i do not have that option it just has some files like setup but not two different setup.exe files...
You said you had Vista installed a few times. When you were installing your software, you would have seen the paths the installer was choosing.
when i installed the vista, it first comes up with a screen to choose either basic, home premium, ultimate. after that i install my sata driver and then it asks which drive to install too. once i select my c drive it installs. but i never once see anything saying 64 or 32 anywhere when installing... thats why i am not sure which one i have. since i have xp 64 bit on now and when i try to install vista i do not see anything saying 64 bit version.. i also heard that the ultimate has both 32 and 64 bit on it does that mean if i select the ultimate i can then choose or does it choose automatically for you?
I'm gonna say,

The ANSWER to all your problems, can be magically fixed by WGA. It's good tool, to help determine what type of OS you're using.
when i installed the vista, it first comes up with a screen to choose either basic, home premium, ultimate. after that i install my sata driver and then it asks which drive to install too. once i select my c drive it installs. but i never once see anything saying 64 or 32 anywhere when installing... thats why i am not sure which one i have. since i have xp 64 bit on now and when i try to install vista i do not see anything saying 64 bit version.. i also heard that the ultimate has both 32 and 64 bit on it does that mean if i select the ultimate i can then choose or does it choose automatically for you?
It ver hurts to look some of these questions up yourself. You're also missing the descriptions I'm giving you about the program files directory. Ultimate Retail comes with both 32 and 64 bit, but they are on separate discs. If this is really that important to you, I'd go out and buy a legal copy, and stop using warez. It's going to cause you problems, and it's going to get this thread locked.