Has anyone else ran into this sound problem


Dec 3, 2003
Recently my Internet explorer started acting weird. I am sure it happened after an update of some kind (windows update, or flash update, or maybe DX update), but recently if I visit a website with sounds (not midi) like flash animations or the like, the sound will not stop playing even after I close the IE window as long as there is an IE window open. For instance, you click on a link to say a YTMND site from a forum and it opens the YTMND site in another window. Even after I close the window for YTMND, it will still keep playing the sound over and over again until I close all IE windows. It is getting rather annoying and my sort searching hasn't come up with anything since I am still trying to narrow it down to what type of files it is doing it on. But so far it is just IE impeded files.

Firefox seems to be fine, but I haven't tested everything with it.

Edit I am running IE6 with Direct X 9 not sure of the flash version, but it is updated to the newest.