Hard Drive Corruption / Clearing


Jul 2, 2003
i have 2 hard drives
a 120mb WD 2mb cache
and a 200gb WD 8m cache
these are on one ide chain off of the ide controller that came with the 200gb drive

the problem is ... the 120 was having trouble. so thats why i got the 200gb. (around a year or so ago)
but i've never been able to get BOTH to work
when i take the 120 off the chain then the 200gb doesn't work right
and with the 120 on there it will eventually lose all data

and also sometimes theres been trouble with the 200gb drive, like my mp3's will change to differnet songs like the file allocation table starts to point to different data segments than originally therefor playing different songs than it is supposed to

if anyone has any ideas please inform me.