Hard Disk Dying ....


Feb 9, 2002
Hi everybody...

The secondary/backup hard disk on my main PC is dying :(

I have a primary 120GB WD hard disk running Win XP, and a backup Seagate HD of 40GB which I use to store files and as a download HD before burning what I d/l..

This secondary HD has been in use for 2-3 years, and it was once the main HD before buying a new 120GB one...

since almost a month, the 40GB HD has been making strange sounds, and I'm quite sure it's a sign that it's dying...
The HD sometimes isn't even recognized by windows, and if it is recognized, it takes years to transfer files between both HDs, and even listing the contents takes lots of time..

The data on this HD isn't essential, I only backup programs and media files,not important docs etc.. Still - I'd like to backup some files on DVDs....

Do you know any programs that might be able to move the files from the 40GB to the new 120GB one?? is it possible without the need to send it to an a data recovery company ???

Thanks a lot in advance... :D