Hand tool in browsers for images?

JJ Johnson

Jun 26, 2008
Something that I've never understood...

Why, when a user has only an image displayed in a browser window, and that image exceeds the size of the window, don't browsers automatically give a hand tool for moving about within the imge? Using the browser's scroll bars (and/or mouse wheel) to scroll around a large image is a pain in the ass.

I've tried a couple of plugins for the browser that I normally use (Chrome) but nothing I've found to date makes things any easier.
Click your middle mouse wheel. You can now move around on the image in a browser. Works perfect for me.
Click your middle mouse wheel. You can now move around on the image in a browser. Works perfect for me.

Thanks. I have my middle mouse button mapped to something else, but I tried it with the default mapping.

Yeah, I suppose that works, but it doesn't work real well, IMO. The continuous, variable speed scrolling is much more difficult to control than a simple dragging hand. And why should the middle mouse button even be necessary? I'm viewing a bare image. The left mouse button has absolutely no other use in that scenario. If the image is larger than the window, why not just go to a hand?