Half Life 2 Ending... warning spoilers...


Limp Gawd
Oct 7, 2003
Alright so i finished the game up last night and i'll admit i'm a bit dissapointed. All that work and all those levels to end so quickly. Plus the ending makes no sense to me... you destroy the machine that will allow the guy to leave and it would destroy the whole building after he teleported.....so you destroy it... and it blows up .... then wtf.

The gman shows up and tells you that if you had more time things might have been different?? Then he tells you that you will be summoned again to do another task?

Who exactly is the gman and what is his role at the end? Of course there will be a HL3 to explain everything like who actually lived and what actually happened.... but i don't understand why they would end it like that with you in a trance listening to him talk about what almost makes no sense.
it all makes sense dude...

In half-life 1 one YOU do the experiment that creates all the portals to the other dimension and all the creatures start coming through. An army is sent in to clean up and make sure no one gets out alive including you. But you manage to make it. You free Zen from its Combine rulers and defeat the Combine boss of Zen (ie the boss you fight at the end). After that the G-Man basically congratulates you and give you a choice which boils down to either working for him or certain death.

The very fact that you are playing half-life 2 suggests that you chose to work for him. At the beginning you have the scene with G-Man...that goes along the lines of "rise and shine mr freeman...blah blah blah"

Rise and shine...suggesting that you have been sleeping or something. Anyway if you speak to the black dude on the train he says "funny...i dont remember seeing you get on" or something like that. Anyway since half life 1 the world has got pretty messed up. There are Combine on earth and all the bad stuff that comes with that. Then you find out that Breen (the head man at Black Mesa from HL1) is now the head man of City 17, which is a Combine controlled area. That means Breen is working for the combine or that he cut some kinda deal. Now you go through your merry way playing the game. There are clues all over the place and you have to listen to the dialogs otherwise stuff will not make sense.

Remember the teleport bit? Where you and Alyx teleport but dont arrive for a week?

Anyway you carry on playing and see the G-man a couple of times off in the distance and places you cannot get to. This suggests that he is controlling what you are doing, perhaps even helping you. After all you are an asset to him, you are doing his bidding. Anyway it turns out that you job is to kill Breen and destroy the Citadel in City 17 which happens to be the combine HQ on earth i think.

Then a lot of stuff happens...you get to the end of the game and destroy that teleport thingy that Breen is in. Big explosion you see Alyx get swept off her feet by it (I assume she bites it), then at that point time slows down for you...and the G-man appears to congratulate you and to say that the next time you are need you will be called on.

Going back to the slow teleport...the G-man has put you in a slow teleport...hence some kind of stasis, to be woken/called upon when you are next need. This is also what happened at the end of half life 1, hence the "wake up mr freeman" bit at the beginning of HL2.

There are some massive holes in there, but thats purely coz i cant remember off the top of my head. The plot is there...you just have to look for it...
Syphon Filter said:
it all makes sense dude...

In half-life 1 one YOU do the experiment that creates all the portals to the other dimension and all the creatures start coming through. An army is sent in to clean up and make sure no one gets out alive including you. But you manage to make it. You free Zen from its Combine rulers and defeat the Combine boss of Zen (ie the boss you fight at the end). After that the G-Man basically congratulates you and give you a choice which boils down to either working for him or certain death.

The very fact that you are playing half-life 2 suggests that you chose to work for him. At the beginning you have the scene with G-Man...that goes along the lines of "rise and shine mr freeman...blah blah blah"

Rise and shine...suggesting that you have been sleeping or something. Anyway if you speak to the black dude on the train he says "funny...i dont remember seeing you get on" or something like that. Anyway since half life 1 the world has got pretty messed up. There are Combine on earth and all the bad stuff that comes with that. Then you find out that Breen (the head man at Black Mesa from HL1) is now the head man of City 17, which is a Combine controlled area. That means Breen is working for the combine or that he cut some kinda deal. Now you go through your merry way playing the game. There are clues all over the place and you have to listen to the dialogs otherwise stuff will not make sense.

Remember the teleport bit? Where you and Alyx teleport but dont arrive for a week?

Anyway you carry on playing and see the G-man a couple of times off in the distance and places you cannot get to. This suggests that he is controlling what you are doing, perhaps even helping you. After all you are an asset to him, you are doing his bidding. Anyway it turns out that you job is to kill Breen and destroy the Citadel in City 17 which happens to be the combine HQ on earth i think.

Then a lot of stuff happens...you get to the end of the game and destroy that teleport thingy that Breen is in. Big explosion you see Alyx get swept off her feet by it (I assume she bites it), then at that point time slows down for you...and the G-man appears to congratulate you and to say that the next time you are need you will be called on.

Going back to the slow teleport...the G-man has put you in a slow teleport...hence some kind of stasis, to be woken/called upon when you are next need. This is also what happened at the end of half life 1, hence the "wake up mr freeman" bit at the beginning of HL2.

There are some massive holes in there, but thats purely coz i cant remember off the top of my head. The plot is there...you just have to look for it...

cheeers man that filled in a few holes for me ;)
there is a link somewhere in the games forum that link the full story....pre half life 1 and a bit after half life 2
that as definitely a great read... thanks!

I think the main problem is that i never played hl1 single player.
Summed up well!

And Just to give my 2 cents about HL and it' s story, that many think isn't a story.

I like an open ended story with no absolute resolutions. It makes you think.
I forgot to add one thing in my above response. I don't think Alyx "Bites it", like you implied. I think she is in the same "suspension that you are in at the end, because when that things is destroyed that's when the G-man starts talking to you again.Telling you you will be called upon again in the future So, I think she's there for the ride with you until HL3.
I think it was a very well thought out game. Although I did have some problems with the elevator scenes, and the NPCs not doing what they're suppose to do which is activating them. I'd have to wait 24 hours before they'd even do it. Weird but oh well.

Other then that, I think it was very interesting. Some good thinking spots, I know I got lost a few times while going through the sewers. Made for some backtracking and examining for any missed objects or things to do. I do think that the ending sort of came a little fast.And they left it wide open for HL3. I wasn't impressed with the whole Strider thing. They were extremely powerful and slaughtered your whole group in seconds. So I was left with ducking and dodging them for a while. I think the Zombie's that are fully "crabified" are a little too fast and powerful. They could leap and climb and hit a little too good. I also found the Antilians a little more annoying then they were useful. I kept on having to take one of them out or so to get them out of the way. Not to mention when in group mode, the team would get in the way. At least they would appologize and try to move, but sometimes the AI wasn't smart enough. "Sorry Freeman"

Other then that, great game. Well worth it. And fun to play. I give it a 9.5 out of 10
Syphon Filter said:
But you manage to make it. You free Zen from its Combine rulers and defeat the Combine boss of Zen (ie the boss you fight at the end).

OK, where in the world does this come from? Is it just from the timeline (http://members.shaw.ca/storage_4/hl2story/)? If so then I don't understand why people seem to have accepted it as scripture. That looks to me like a bit of HL fanfic. It's nice looking and well polished, but that doesn't make it true.
Dijonase said:
OK, where in the world does this come from? Is it just from the timeline (http://members.shaw.ca/storage_4/hl2story/)? If so then I don't understand why people seem to have accepted it as scripture. That looks to me like a bit of HL fanfic. It's nice looking and well polished, but that doesn't make it true.

you dont like it ?
make one on your own that is not so fanfic ... :D
in half life 2 if you speak the vortagon (sp?) dudes, ie the guys that used to shoot green bolts of lightning at you in half life 1 they speak of you as their saviour. In half life 1 when you go to Zen if you looked around they were the guys doing all the work...looked like some for of mining to me. So assuming that is true...when you kill the boss at the end you free them. Thats why in half life 2 they are allied with the humans and help you out along the way, like giving you the bugbait stuff etc...
There are some problems with the timeline though.

For instance, the "Air Exchange Program" was learned from a deleted scene in the Raising the Bar book. Since it was deleted, you can't simply assume it is still part of the story. There are a few other examples of this as well.
drako said:
There are some problems with the timeline though.

For instance, the "Air Exchange Program" was learned from a deleted scene in the Raising the Bar book. Since it was deleted, you can't simply assume it is still part of the story. There are a few other examples of this as well.

well ok...i understand its not perfect. Its just that guys thoughts on it i guess. As someone else stated...its for you to decide and work out whats going on.
Hyper_Psycho said:
you dont like it ?
make one on your own that is not so fanfic ... :D

I'm not sure what you mean here. Fanfic is just fan fiction. I never said it was bad (though to me fanfic is generally one of the lowest forms of entertainment and most of it is extraordinarily bad). I just said people seem to be treating it as if it's official when it looks like it's just something some guy made up.
Dijonase said:
I'm not sure what you mean here. Fanfic is just fan fiction. I never said it was bad (though to me fanfic is generally one of the lowest forms of entertainment and most of it is extraordinarily bad). I just said people seem to be treating it as if it's official when it looks like it's just something some guy made up.

Obviously you didn't play HL1...
one of the quotes on that "fan fiction" page is from Mark Laidlaw and company, congratulating him on a job well done. if you read the bottom of the page you will see that it was a colaberative effort, and not some sooth-sayer's scripture. i would have to assume that it is pretty close, if not spot on. notice that there isn't alot of in depth speculation about inane details, and instead focuses on the main points exclusively. typically fan-fiction takes a small insignificant detail and expands on it to give it significance. this is not the case with this particular site.
In my opinion, the story and plot in Half Life 2 just plain sucks. I couldn't help but be extremely disappointed when I finally finished the game, to find none of my questions were answered. As far as an in game plot and story goes, HL2 probably has by far the worst and most broken up plot of any game i've played so far. However, the saving grace is that HL2 has gameplay that is just unbelievable. At least with the story Doom 3 had, it made sense and was continuous.

Oh well, I guess it's off to wait for HL3, which is where I hope our questions finally get answered. With the way HL2 ended, I hate not knowing which of the characters survived, and which didn't.
Dijonase said:
I'm not sure what you mean here. Fanfic is just fan fiction. I never said it was bad (though to me fanfic is generally one of the lowest forms of entertainment and most of it is extraordinarily bad). I just said people seem to be treating it as if it's official when it looks like it's just something some guy made up.

i was not trying to offend you or anything

there are some good points in the timeline tho some are like where the hell is this from
not to beat a dead horse, but I guess I wasn't completely happy with the ending either, but I thought the Citadel looked so fricken cool, it didn't much matter to me at the time. I also kinda liked the twighlight zone kinda thing with the G-man too. Especially his exit.
Hyper_Psycho said:
i was not trying to offend you or anything

there are some good points in the timeline tho some are like where the hell is this from

No offense taken. I actually agree completely. The whole thing is very well done and most of it makes perfect sense, but when he says things like right at the beginning where he says that the Combine had taken over Xen I'm a bit tentative to accept that without seeing something about it in the games themselves.
So, how many of you are going to play through the original game (HL1) again just to brush up. Its been 6 or so years since I have played it. I was thinking about going through some of the old levels again myself :)

EmbraceThePenguin said:
So, how many of you are going to play through the original game (HL1) again just to brush up. Its been 6 or so years since I have played it. I was thinking about going through some of the old levels again myself :)


why not just watch the speed run demo and get the basic points of the whole thing

save yourself like 2 days worth of old school gaming ?
EmbraceThePenguin said:
So, how many of you are going to play through the original game (HL1) again just to brush up. Its been 6 or so years since I have played it. I was thinking about going through some of the old levels again myself :)


I actually re-finished HL1 before I decided on HL2. It's unfrickin believable what kind of difference there is in the gameplay with the HL source, as it becomes almost a new game. My current system won't run the original half life as it keeps crashing, so i'm kind of glad I spent the extra money to get HL source as well.
junehhan said:
I actually re-finished HL1 before I decided on HL2. It's unfrickin believable what kind of difference there is in the gameplay with the HL source, as it becomes almost a new game. My current system won't run the original half life as it keeps crashing, so i'm kind of glad I spent the extra money to get HL source as well.

can you post some hl1source ?
what is the major difference here ?
Obvious thing left out: In the train ride into Black Mesa, your "sponsor" there is listed as "unknown." Which opens up the possibility that the G-Man set everything up from the beginning... you coming to Black Mesa, you being in the lab during the experiment that opened the portals to Xen, etc. :cool:
Hyper_Psycho said:
why not just watch the speed run demo and get the basic points of the whole thing

save yourself like 2 days worth of old school gaming ?

Why would you want to "save yourself" from a couple days of one of the best shooters ever made? I played a bit of both OpForce and HL:S lately (and despite what junehhan says above I don't see enough of a difference to call it a new game...there's just some physics updates and nice looking water as far as I can tell) and they've both aged quite well. I'd recommend for anyone who hasn't played them before to give them a try.
The closer I got to the end, the more I couldn't stop playing. I had to play through the last 5 hours in one sitting. I couldn't take the anticipation. All in all, the ending was kind of a dissapointment. It was sooooo incredibly easy once you get the Über gravity gun, I only died a few times, most of them were from falling, one of them was from walking into one of those energy fields.

It was a good ending story wise, I just wish they'd tell you more. But I suppose if I'm wanting "MORE MORE MORE!", they did a good job keeping me interested.
S1nF1xx said:
The closer I got to the end, the more I couldn't stop playing. I had to play through the last 5 hours in one sitting. I couldn't take the anticipation. All in all, the ending was kind of a dissapointment. It was sooooo incredibly easy once you get the Über gravity gun, I only died a few times, most of them were from falling, one of them was from walking into one of those energy fields.

It was a good ending story wise, I just wish they'd tell you more. But I suppose if I'm wanting "MORE MORE MORE!", they did a good job keeping me interested.

play that level on the hardest difficulty
its mad fun !
I have said this before, big plot hole, if the G-Man can stop time, then he doesn't even need Freeman.
Stop time, plant a bomb, resume time, boom goes the Combine.
No need for Freeman.


Syphon Filter said:
it all makes sense dude...

In half-life 1 one YOU do the experiment that creates all the portals to the other dimension and all the creatures start coming through. An army is sent in to clean up and make sure no one gets out alive including you. But you manage to make it. You free Zen from its Combine rulers and defeat the Combine boss of Zen (ie the boss you fight at the end). After that the G-Man basically congratulates you and give you a choice which boils down to either working for him or certain death.

The very fact that you are playing half-life 2 suggests that you chose to work for him. At the beginning you have the scene with G-Man...that goes along the lines of "rise and shine mr freeman...blah blah blah"

Rise and shine...suggesting that you have been sleeping or something. Anyway if you speak to the black dude on the train he says "funny...i dont remember seeing you get on" or something like that. Anyway since half life 1 the world has got pretty messed up. There are Combine on earth and all the bad stuff that comes with that. Then you find out that Breen (the head man at Black Mesa from HL1) is now the head man of City 17, which is a Combine controlled area. That means Breen is working for the combine or that he cut some kinda deal. Now you go through your merry way playing the game. There are clues all over the place and you have to listen to the dialogs otherwise stuff will not make sense.

Remember the teleport bit? Where you and Alyx teleport but dont arrive for a week?

Anyway you carry on playing and see the G-man a couple of times off in the distance and places you cannot get to. This suggests that he is controlling what you are doing, perhaps even helping you. After all you are an asset to him, you are doing his bidding. Anyway it turns out that you job is to kill Breen and destroy the Citadel in City 17 which happens to be the combine HQ on earth i think.

Then a lot of stuff happens...you get to the end of the game and destroy that teleport thingy that Breen is in. Big explosion you see Alyx get swept off her feet by it (I assume she bites it), then at that point time slows down for you...and the G-man appears to congratulate you and to say that the next time you are need you will be called on.

Going back to the slow teleport...the G-man has put you in a slow teleport...hence some kind of stasis, to be woken/called upon when you are next need. This is also what happened at the end of half life 1, hence the "wake up mr freeman" bit at the beginning of HL2.

There are some massive holes in there, but thats purely coz i cant remember off the top of my head. The plot is there...you just have to look for it...
The G-man doesnt stop time. He puts you into a slow warp. There is a difference. Time passes more slowly for you than the rest of the world is what is going on i believe.
im just tired of every game having a hanging ending. no real ending just somethin for u to be like wtf. they should just make an ending then just have somethin happen to start up the next part in the series not some bs Halo 2 and HL2 ending. game was awesome (not halo 2) but i wanted better ending. like wtf happened to alyx and her dad etc.? tired of every game company on the planet thinking they have to have a cliffhanger ending (die stallone)
I'm glad they didnt give you a nice neat packaged "The End" type ending ..as I was nearing the end of the game I was finding myself wanting to keep playing ...with a done deal ending , then thats it ..with the dreaded "cliffhanger" type ending ...you know there is going to be more and its something I will look forward to ..

I am currently on my third trip thru this game , on hardest setting now ... still having fun :)
v8_h8r said:
im just tired of every game having a hanging ending. no real ending just somethin for u to be like wtf. they should just make an ending then just have somethin happen to start up the next part in the series not some bs Halo 2 and HL2 ending. game was awesome (not halo 2) but i wanted better ending. like wtf happened to alyx and her dad etc.? tired of every game company on the planet thinking they have to have a cliffhanger ending (die stallone)

see if you knew what happened to everyone it would make you not play the next installment

and yeah what happnes in halo 2 ... i dont have the game, or even an xbox

ThreeDee said:
I'm glad they didnt give you a nice neat packaged "The End" type ending ..as I was nearing the end of the game I was finding myself wanting to keep playing ...with a done deal ending , then thats it ..with the dreaded "cliffhanger" type ending ...you know there is going to be more and its something I will look forward to ..

I am currently on my third trip thru this game , on hardest setting now ... still having fun :)

hardest setting is fun as hell. tho the striders and crazy ass 1337s aim so much better ... its really annoying ...
v8_h8r said:
im just tired of every game having a hanging ending. no real ending just somethin for u to be like wtf. they should just make an ending then just have somethin happen to start up the next part in the series not some bs Halo 2 and HL2 ending. game was awesome (not halo 2) but i wanted better ending. like wtf happened to alyx and her dad etc.? tired of every game company on the planet thinking they have to have a cliffhanger ending (die stallone)

It pisses me off that stories aren't ended anymore in video games just so they can leave it open for a sequil. :mad:
S1nF1xx said:
It *peepee's* me off that stories aren't ended anymore in video games just so they can leave it open for a sequil. :mad:

HL3 will prolly have a concrete ending to it ...purely guessing of course :)

..but the open-ending can be pretty cool in both games an in movies .. like the first Halloween for example ..

(just in case someone hasnt seen the original Halloween movie)

the detective guy shoots Michael Meyers which sends him out a second story window to the front yard below .... camera gets shot from above of Michael laying there all sprawled out ...you think all is right and safe in the world again ..then right before movie ends , the detective takes another look and Michael is gone .... good ending and leaves it open for sequels ..

HL2 's ending leaves you feeling like you were just rode hard and put away wet , used and manipulated ...game ends with that discovery (twelve monkeys movie ended like that), tho it is eluded to thru out the game with Gman appearing here and there with both camps ..and the ending of HL1 of which Gman "hires" you to begin with ..

HL3 (if there ever is a HL3 ...if not then yes valve sucks and so does HL2 :p ) is going to be a tuff one to pull off because Gordon will be fully aware of the degree of manipulation thats going on and not likely be so inclined to do Gmans bidding again unless perhaps that the Gman comes clean with what he is actually doing and convinces Gordon to continue to "help/work" for him .... having just the "I'll Kill Joo if you dont cooperate" as a driving force would immensely weaken any storyline built on top of that (IMHO anyways)

...I guess in the end its just a matter of personal taste's and perception, of which makes us all individuals :cool:
how on the wolrd did alex and daddy and friends get a hold of the gman ... and how much did freeman cost ?
i mean when you get there they all are excited you came since they know you are the solution ... even got your suit ready ...ya know ...
Hyper_Psycho said:
how on the wolrd did alex and daddy and friends get a hold of the gman ... and how much did freeman cost ?
i mean when you get there they all are excited you came since they know you are the solution ... even got your suit ready ...ya know ...

You're messing around right?