Hal.dll file missing from HP recovery..Unable to fix it!!


Oct 10, 2003
HP recovery failed and now the PC wont boot.

After calling tech support and talking to 3 people who barely spoke english(I asked twice to be transferred to someone who actually spoke decent english) they had no clue and wanted to charge me $25 a minute or so for tech support. A recovery CD is not an option since they dont make them anymore.

After reading around I guess IT IS legal to install your own OEM XP disc onto these computers and use the key thats on the side of the HP tower.

Well i tried that and started getting erroro messages for basically every file that was tried to be copied during the initial blue screen setup process, I had to press ESC each time to skip that file and iit ended up skipping every file from 80% on.

In the BIOS it would not allow me to set the DVD Rom as the first boot up device, It seems as iff the hard drive was locked onto the second boot device and the DVD drivers locked onto the 3rd. Somehow it booted up from the CD though and starting do what i explained above.

That didnt work obviously and now I get the NTLDR is missing at the bootup instead of the hal.ddl file missing.

Is there anyway at all to fix this?, Its my moms PC and i'd rather not fork out $400 for a new cheap one somewhere
dont use your oem copy, buy a retail version of xp ?
Sounds 100% like a peice of hardware in the computer is dying/dead. Getting another copy of xp will NOT help you.

How old is the pc?
Well in the end i delted both partitions and reformatted the pc and took my windows disk and installed it on the HP, I will no longer run windows on MY PC so this is legal right?. Basically im just switching PC's and I will run vista on my pc which I am right now.

Just wanna make sure its legal since I am only running it on one pc :cool:
Headbust said:
Well in the end i delted both partitions and reformatted the pc and took my windows disk and installed it on the HP, I will no longer run windows on MY PC so this is legal right?. Basically im just switching PC's and I will run vista on my pc which I am right now.

Just wanna make sure its legal since I am only running it on one pc :cool:

It it's an OEM copy, then no technically it's not legal since OEM is tied to the machien it's first install/activated on. The key on the side of you Mom's HP shoudl work just fine, it doesn't affect the installation routine. Like someone said, if you're getting a bunch of errors during the file copy phase then it's a hardware problem. Also, could be that your CD is scratched, so check that out.
Same thoing happened t me a while ago with the files not being ble to be coppied,Turned out I had a bad stick of ram I took out 1 stick and it woked fine.

Hope you can get it workin. :)