GTX460 upgrade?

Jan 7, 2011
I was thinking of upgrading my MSI GTX460, while it will still sell for a pretty penny on eBay. Would a 6950 be a good upgrade, or should I go for a 560/570? I've heard that nVidia has better drivers, but I don't know if that's true.

Right now, I'm just gaming at 1650x1080, but I may upgrade to a 30" display down the road (2550x1920?). I would like something that scales well when in crossfire/SLI.

Thanks for any help.
lol that's some upgrade you've got planned there.

seriously though, the answer to your question is no
If you plan to go to a 30" later then the 6950 is a good idea. the 2Gb of VRAM will help you out nicely. Also you could unlock the 6950 to a 6970. The 69** series scales VERY well in crossfire also.
I say go and sell the 460 whilst its got value and pick a 6950 that can be unlocked.
The reason why the 460 still has good resale value is it's still a good card. I would keep your 460 and upgrade when/if you actually get the 30" monitor.
I've been thinking of upgrading to a 560 Ti, or possibly just buying a second GTX 460. I haven't really needed an upgrade yet. As mentioned above, it's still a decent card, along with some other cards released during the same generation.

Just upgrade when you need it. Prices go down over time and newer, faster stuff comes out too. I'm hoping the 28nm GPUs from both companies are worth waiting for because I might not upgrade this year. ;)
The 460 is still a solid card. I'm running a high res 27" (2560x1440) and everything that I'm playing at native res/high quality still looks and run great.

I would probably hold off like some others said, because by the time you upgrade your screen and have games that will really tax the card, there will probably be a whole new generation of cards out, or the current top end cards will come down in price.
I'd wait until you upgrade the screen. By then prices will have settled and new stuff is right around the corner. If you can't wait I'd just pick up another 460 and SLI since that would be better than all your other options.