GTX 970, wired behavior after idle


[H]ard DCOTM x3
Feb 23, 2013
in my Asus board I have a 980Ti as primary card and a 970 as secondary card, running Linux with nV driver 361.28.

Since driver 355.x (I think) I see the strange behavior that after finishing a WU and restart the GPU next day the performance is about half (with respect 6o PPD but also power draw). Something push the break on that card.
I tried several driver versions but all the same behavior.

Any idea what the reason could be ? Anyone with similar experience.
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I really don't follow the question. Could the word be weird?

I think some people who do this on linux might be of better help, but I have seen similar when the card/driver has seen an error of some sort and drops to P? state. I'm not sure which P# it is, but for all Maxwell cards the core clock is 405 MHz, no matter what you do. It wont drop to idle clocks and it won't ramp up to full load. Only a reboot will fix the issue. This has happened to every single one of my Maxwell cards at one time or another. I cannot link it to overclocking or any particular WU. It seems to happen when I am folding, and some other application tries to perform some 3D render instruction. I cannot isolate what it might be. I know that folding plus playing some Tt Lego game (3d wise a very small load) will make it happen almost instantaneously, but Borderlands games(a more reasonable load on the card) won't. Other combinations will make it happen even on the desktop without any obvious high end render request. I have not been able to deliberately reproduce the rest of these: A recent update to Origin would cause it to happen periodically, usually associated with a chat window, and I have seen it once in a great while just using Chrome.

I have been able to generally avoid my issue by pausing folding before playing games that cause the issue, and then unpausing after. There are no notifications that it has happened. What ever is plaguing me I don't get anything remotely like "driver error," or "driver recovery mode." Just folding at really low performance and I can confirm by checking the clock speed stuck at 405.
I really don't follow the question. Could the word be weird?

Yup, the unhealthy mix of my poor English in combination with the iOS spell shredder ... But you got the right meaning (y)

The card is still in P2 mode, but it looks like the PCIe lanes are down to 1; need to watch after the next restart that number of lanes are actually allocated to that card. I saw that last time when I played the virtualization and passthrough of that 970. It also slowed down, but I blamed the software/config. I really need to upgrade my CPU/motherboard to not be PCIe limited. The box is dedicated to folding. Nothing else them gnome is running.
I've never seen Christian's issue with 346.96 in Ubuntu 14.04. Plus its a lot faster than later driver versions.

My 980Ti drops to 405 as well when I push the OC too far for FAH stability. Slightly lower clocks and it doesn't happen. That is on a dedicated FAH machine.
Are these Strix cards? Some people have a similar issue in Windows, and I ran into the same issue with a Strix 970 getting stuck at 595MHz after being idle as well:

970 after Idle stuck on 680 mhz clock max - Forums

Notice everyone in there with an issue has Asus cards and the issue is only with newer drivers. Maybe Nvidia pooched something up and it's applying across both the Windows and Linux drivers.
I've never seen Christian's issue with 346.96 in Ubuntu 14.04. Plus its a lot faster than later driver versions.

My 980Ti drops to 405 as well when I push the OC too far for FAH stability. Slightly lower clocks and it doesn't happen. That is on a dedicated FAH machine.

I have dropped the clocks on the cards. This happens even at stock clocks. Playing a game should be easier on the card than folding, so less work and crashes at stock? That is a driver/instruction issue not an overclocking issue. Yesturday I was playing DOTA2 while my 980ti happily munched away on a core 21 WU at the same time. Today Core 18...... driver error and 405 MHz on opening DOTA2.

No strix, MSI 980tis, MSI 970 and PNY/EVGA 960s