GTX 680 - Time to upgrade?

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Waiting for gtx 880 personally. I will be picking up two of them and SLI :)
Waiting for gtx 880 personally. I will be picking up two of them and SLI :)

^ That's my plan. I usually skip every other GPU release. Maxwell will be interesting with that on board ARM core.

For now, if you don't have anything against SLI, get another cheap 680 and have more performance than a TITAN/780.
I'm really really happy with my gtx 780. I came from a 660 non ti though. I would probably be really happy with a 680 too. I would wait til the next gen.
lol im still sporting geforce 280' many gen's did i skip:)
lol im still sporting geforce 280' many gen's did i skip:)
um why have you sat on those cards until they are almost worthless? even a dinky sub $150 card will beat that old setup while being smoother and using less than 1/3 the power.
Some newer games cant quite reach 60FPS at ultra settings.....

I went ahead and added another 680 for sli to push higher eye candy settings in games, plus I do have surround. I'd wait and see what the performance of the 290x is and hopefully this will start a price war. Imho the 780 / Titan are over priced...but what can you do.
um why have you sat on those cards until they are almost worthless? even a dinky sub $150 card will beat that old setup while being smoother and using less than 1/3 the power.

I'm still on a 9800gt 1gig vram. Most new games are still more than playable at medium-high settings.
Just broke down and bought a cheap 680 2gb to replace my aging 480. I really didn't even need to but it does struggle a bit at 1440 with the new X-star. I would defiantly wait to upgrade, or do like others said and pick up another 680.
I'm still on a 9800gt 1gig vram. Most new games are still more than playable at medium-high settings.
um not at 1080 they are not. and I am not sure why you are telling me. the point to him was that he has held on to a very power hungry sli setup so long that even a single lower end card is as good or better now.
um not at 1080 they are not. and I am not sure why you are telling me. the point to him was that he has held on to a very power hungry sli setup so long that even a single lower end card is as good or better now.

They run fine, you just have to disable AO, motion blur, and AA, I'm not a fan of most of those features anyway.

I'd wait a little bit before buying a new card, since the AMD R7 and R9 cards are coming out right now, there should be some impact on the pricing of other cards, also there will be Black Friday deals starting in little over a month.
I'm still on a 9800gt 1gig vram. Most new games are still more than playable at medium-high settings.

It's great isn't it? I'm still running an OC'd 4830 and can comfortable play everything at 1920x1200. I've got hundreds of hours logged into the Gamebryo stuff, the Borderlands games, Rage, Dark Souls, Crysis 2, etc... I do plan to upgrade next year, but with the lack of promising games coming out, I'm not sure I'll have to.
whats the point of holding on to outdated cards? I always get my cards when their is a good deal so I sell them for very little loss a year or two later and jump on another deal for something newer and better if I need to. I am not going to sit here for years waiting for an upgrade to play games at decent settings. my gtx560 se was struggling even with medium settings in some games so I know darn well the much slower 9800gt or 4830 would be abysmal for the performance I would want even on reduced settings.
Some people don't like having to deal with selling and shipping things.
There hasn't been any game that has required me upgrade in order to play it. I spend more time using my graphics card for creative software than gaming, the only thing I'm really missing out on in terms of that is DX11 features.
So every other year you would buy a newer house just because the old one retained value over the past year?
what kind of asinine analogy is that? hardware depreciates fast and I like bang for buck. I spend relatively very little money to maintain having a modern video card that meets my needs.
many things can work but that does mean that are sufficient to meet someones needs. you can defend your video card all you want and it does not change anything I have said.

You seem very hostile. I don't think I want to discuss anything with you.
There hasn't been any game that has required me upgrade in order to play it. I spend more time using my graphics card for creative software than gaming, the only thing I'm really missing out on in terms of that is DX11 features.
then you are not playing modern games at 1080 with a framerate or settings that I or many others would find acceptable.

EDIT: well just a few minutes earlier you posted this so you must not be too happy with it.

Sorry to thread hijack a bit, but I have a similar setup. I have a q9450 (OC'd to 3.2ghz) and a 9800gt, what is the best card I can get without overly getting bottlenecked by my CPU.
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Well the 2nd gpu was free...and the issue of power usage is actually just very recently comming into my rental upgrading very soon to mainly save on electricity....but like the others said it really handels everything i play easily...but without dx11...if the 25 off promo is still working when this comes in stock....maybe i go this route
Well the 2nd gpu was free...and the issue of power usage is actually just very recently comming into my rental upgrading very soon to mainly save on electricity....but like the others said it really handels everything i play easily...but without dx11...if the 25 off promo is still working when this comes in stock....maybe i go this route
well power usage in and of itself as related to power bills was not really what I was getting at. I was just saying that a card that uses way less power than just one of your gtx280 cards is still faster than both. so its more about removing two relatively hot and power hungry cards in SLi and replacing them with a simple and efficient gtx660 or even gtx650 ti boost that plays games better too.
60 fps with a 680 on ultra at 1080p is not gonna happen mate!.. newer games definitely will require higher VRAM and GPU power than a 680 can offer to game at 60 fps solid. On the other hand anything in the 45-50 range is achievable if you are ok with it. Even a Titan cant do 60 fps in most modern games on Ultra at that res. If you want a solid 60 go SLI or wait for the red side cards and analyze the benchmarks. Upgrading to a single 780 or a Titan would not be a very good idea because both of them would not cut it for your requirement. Those two cards are only marginally (30%) better than a single 680.
he could easily get 60 fps in all games now with just a few adjustments. I have no problems getting 60 fps in every game at 1080 with just a gtx660ti if being sensible on the settings. most people know that its sometimes just one or two settings that need to be lowered to get a massive fps boost. but yeah I am sure this time next year will be a different story as I am suspecting many games before then will really start to turn the screws on decent settings. the cpu will matter too of course as my 2500k gets hit hard in Crysis 3. in fact many of my dips below 60 fps in that game on the settings I use is because of the cpu.
whats the point of holding on to outdated cards? I always get my cards when their is a good deal so I sell them for very little loss a year or two later and jump on another deal for something newer and better if I need to. I am not going to sit here for years waiting for an upgrade to play games at decent settings. my gtx560 se was struggling even with medium settings in some games so I know darn well the much slower 9800gt or 4830 would be abysmal for the performance I would want even on reduced settings.


Some of us have hobbies outside of PCs and gaming. So maybe we build a rig, play some games for a few years, then take a break, mess with other hobbies, use the PC for shit other than gaming and build another one when we get the itch to play some new stuff.
well power usage in and of itself as related to power bills was not really what I was getting at. I was just saying that a card that uses way less power than just one of your gtx280 cards is still faster than both. so its more about removing two relatively hot and power hungry cards in SLi and replacing them with a simple and efficient gtx660 or even gtx650 ti boost that plays games better too.

thing is even a 660 is hardly an upgrade....not in my everyone has said there hasn't been a huge reason to upgrade in a long while...and price matters to many of us also...say what you want but my over 4 year old pc will hang with any game to date, almost.....and once i get a 280x or better....this pc will get another year.....maybe even 2

Im actully really upgrading my cards to save power and to finally have dx11.2 lol....thats the honest keep talking about uses less power....ok i'll take a ower power bill...aside from that i couldnt care less:)
The truth is that most relatively modern cards are now fast enough to run 1080p/1200p at perfectly reasonable graphical fidelity. My 560ti will soon be three years old and it was just a mid-range card when it came out. I just keep the graphics quality low enough to get decent FPS. No game has been horrible so far.

I do want to upgrade, but I feel like the Nvidia offerings in the mid-range aren't very good at the moment...

(I'm not looking at AMD because I want PhysX for Borderlands 2.)
2500k gets hit hard in Crysis 3

So what CPU do you recommend an LGA 2011?.. everybody cant afford that u see... The 2500k is no slouch either. Its the game code that has to be optimized to use those cores properly. The best mainstream cpu u can get right now is the 4770k which shows no fps gain over the two gen old 2500k if you see the benchmarks.
So what CPU do you recommend an LGA 2011?.. everybody cant afford that u see... The 2500k is no slouch either. Its the game code that has to be optimized to use those cores properly. The best mainstream cpu u can get right now is the 4770k which shows no fps gain over the two gen old 2500k if you see the benchmarks.

Which benchmarks? Links plx.

If you're not GPU limited, the 4770k should easily pull away from the 2500k.

Now, back on track. :p

Some of us have hobbies outside of PCs and gaming. So maybe we build a rig, play some games for a few years, then take a break, mess with other hobbies, use the PC for shit other than gaming and build another one when we get the itch to play some new stuff.
so you roll your eyes to say that to me? as if I have no other hobbies and only use my pc to game on? the point was that I always can buy a fairly decent modern card for relatively little money so I can play new stuff without spending much.
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thing is even a 660 is hardly an upgrade....not in my everyone has said there hasn't been a huge reason to upgrade in a long while...and price matters to many of us also...say what you want but my over 4 year old pc will hang with any game to date, almost.....and once i get a 280x or better....this pc will get another year.....maybe even 2

Im actully really upgrading my cards to save power and to finally have dx11.2 lol....thats the honest keep talking about uses less power....ok i'll take a ower power bill...aside from that i couldnt care less:)
yeah its not much of an upgrade compared to a 780 but again you would be replacing 2 cards for faster and way smoother and more efficient setup while also getting that performance increase.
lol your one link proves that a 4770k would not ever be faster than a 2500k for gaming?

Crysis 3 is much faster with HT and a 2500k would never be able to maintain 60 fps no matter what gpu.

and they dont even have a 4770k here but you see the 2600k being faster so the 4770k would be ahead of it.

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Op: If you haven't ran off what res are you gaming at?
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