Gtalk: good idea, but doubt it will become mainstream....


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 27, 2003
Just downloaded Gtalk... looks good, and im sure its a really nice piece of software (has google ever put out anything shitty) heh

but i was sitting here thinking, im a primary user of AIM and yahoo, Gtalk while im sure its better wont be used as much because lets face it, a lot of the people i chat with on AIM are NOT computer saavy, dont know about gmail/gtalk, and just use AIM because everyone else in the world uses it. I mean are all the chicks and friends i chat with on AIM going to suddenly switch over to Gtalk?
gtalk needs to atleast match all the features of aim/msn/yahoo if it wants to be competetive.

once they add chats, profiles, buddy groups, tabbed IMs, docking to the side of the window, logging and multiple signons, then i'd say they have a chance in the market.
Personally, i see gtalk becoming the AIM of...well, us, Geeks, computer experts, Just like we all have gmail accounts :D
Did you folks miss how google wants to make a federation of sorts, to bridge all the different services? They seem to be using jabber on the back end, so I can tell you that's easily possible ( my jabber server has icq/aim/yahoo gateways, for example ).

A lot of people are dismissing this on face value without looking deeper ( including many "experts" in the press ). I think google's gonna surprise them.

btw, the inclusion of SIP will be a boon. It may be possible to place a call from my regular phone ( polycom 500 connected to an asterisk box ) to a google talk user, depending on how they do it. And given that they are trying to make this as open as possible, I bet it will work.
Rombus said:
Personally, i see gtalk becoming the AIM of...well, us, Geeks, computer experts, Just like we all have gmail accounts :D

I agree. Only the computer savy will use it for the time being.