Grease that Thermalright!


Oct 16, 2004
Hi guys,

I just got a new Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme, and was wondering, is the thermal compound that came with it any good? Specifically, how does it compare to arctic silver 5? I'm looking for some hard facts here, not some AS fanboy-ness replies (because I know a lot of people like it). If someone has experience with both, I'd appreaciate it if you shared the knowledge.
it's pretty good. most thermal grease that ships with heatsinks nowadays are pretty good imo. as5 might be a degree or so cooler, but nothing extraordinary.
Agreed, the differance is so small its not really worth scraping off the stock stuff just to add AS5, however if its not preapplied and you already have the AS5 I would use it. I have seen tons of reviews of HS compound and they all say the same thing, the differance is so small only the uber elite overclockers should really even care, I even remember one review that put peanut butter into the list of compounds tested.
Depends what you are trying to cool with it. Stock CPU will do good with any compound. Overclocked with overvolted, you start to need to lap/better compounds to get a thermal interface that can transfer the higher heat load to the cooler.
I'm sorry if this is a "threadjack", but I didn't know where else to put my questions. I don't do any gaming, but I fold 24/7 with 5x machines. I was wondering if this HSF would fit on my NB's
I have 1x P5B Deluxe motherboard, 2x TForce P965 motherboards (I like this board, I'm going to get one for my E6300), 1x AW9D-MAX motherboard and a Asrock 775DUAL-VSTA mobo (ATM). So, if anyone would be kind enough to respond to my, probably very "newb" questions, I would highly appreciate it. If it will work is it worth the time and expense? My E6600's (2x) are only OC'ed to 3.2 GHz and my E6420 (1x) to 3.0 GHz and a E6400 (1x) I have is OC'ed to a lowly 2.4 GHz I have a E6300 in a Asrock 775DUAL-VSTA which only runs at 2.1 GHz, it's open case on a piece of shelving board. (IMO a great interim board, but a crumby OC'er) Thanx in advance
Okay, thanks for the info. I ended up using AS5, just because I had it laying around when I was mounting the heatsink anyway. Great heatsink, btw, VERY quiet with the SilenX extrema.