Got 26" Acer (hit a bit of a jackpot?)


Aug 21, 2007
I'm far from an expert but here's my "review," hopefully helps anyone looking for a monitor if not this one specifically.

I went to Future Shop today, initially seeking the LG246WP, so I walked in and told the guy I wanted it. 15 minutes later, after talking to the manager and spending 10 mins in the back looking for it, they said they didn't have one. I was about to say buh-bye and go to the FS a bit further away, but the manager said "We have an Acer 26 that we can give you a better deal on." I instantly thought open box or no warranty or something, but it turned out it was their last unit in stock. I wasn't convinced, but then I inspected the box, opened it and everything was sealed as new, it seemed the real deal. I grabbed it for $683, taxes and warranty in, the same price as the LG before the warranty! I figure even if it was a meticulous open box repackaging job (I used to refurbish electronics some years ago myself, I know the tricks of making stuff look like it's never been touched) I still got an excellent deal, unless some of you are aware of where it's cheaper.

I just got home and set it up, it was a piece of cake. I just tossed on a bunch of DVDs and video files, going crazy with colour/brightness/etc. settings. This is a fantastic monitor, I am in love :D Movies look fantastic, it fits into my desk EXACTLY how I wanted, it's so nice. There's no height or pivot adjustment options, but those are irrelevant as it's already sitting high enough from my view in the chair, and if I ever want to turn it the thing is light as hell and moves effortlessly. The viewing angles are great too.

1920x1200 looks great, everything is sharp. The menu has nice navigation and a good layout (can't stand when it's hard to find options!) that I'm already used to after only an hour's use. There are 5 "auto adjust" options and they aren't vastly different from one another but they are unique enough to warrant use and not be a "Oh that's nice" but never used option; I've used the "Movies" one and it was perfect for Matrix Revolutions so far.

As I stated in another thread, you gotta get what will meet your goal with the monitor. I have no consoles, don't game at all (except Q3 which I just tried and it looks fabulous on this beast :D) and only want to watch movies and use my PC. My goals have been more than met :)

Here's some pics of my setup (which is quite modest after browsing the "Show Your LCDs" thread lol):

BTW yes my Treo phone camera is crappola ;)

I just googled "lcd monitor care" and got some good tips on taking care of/cleaning the LCD, anyone else got any links or tips? I'm a neat freak about my gadgets so it'll put me at ease to know what to do/not to do :)