Google Video questions


Nov 26, 2006
First off, what format does Google Video use? I believe it's their own, but what is the extension? Just out of curiosity.

I'm just wondering if there's a program out there to convert Google Video files I've grabbed off the site to Flash, or AVI or any of the more standard formats (Flash would be great). I thought I heard somewhere about a Firefox plug-in that would download embedded videos from services like Google then convert them to Flash, but when I looked, I couldn't find the extension...

Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.
Let me sort of rephrase my question then; Is there a way for me to watch Google Videos I've downloaded without installing their Google Video Player on my machine? I really get sick of all this extra crap people want me to install :p
I usually just download the ipod/psp file and play it in VLC player which i use to play my videos anyway.