Good Guides for Group Policy [Win2k Server]??


Apr 9, 2000
I am trying to set up Windows 2000 server to work with XP machines. I am using an old dos program that must see a dongle on the printer port. When I set myself up as a user I can't run the program. But when I turn myself into the domain admin I can run it.

I think it has something to do with the old dos program trying to take control of the system hardware. But with the domain user account I cannot even add/remove/update drivers from device manager. I assume that this is somehow related to the problem. What is the best way to set up a new group that would give me acccess to the hardware? I have 2k server setup with Active Directory.

Also are there any good guides on setting Windows 2000 server up?
Just add your domain user account as a local administrator on the workstation