Good dictionary / thasorus


Dec 18, 2003
Hi all, can anyone recommend me a free dictionary with a thasorous(can't spell, as you can see) feature?

I have a super old version of the American Heritage Dictionary, but for some reason when ever i leave my computer on for a few days, i can no longer run it because it complains that the "win 16 subsystem has insufficent resources to continue". Stupid thing........ and i don't want to restart my computer every day or so just to get this to work... so im looking for a nother one.

Any help would rock.


is what I use, you can add as many online dictionaries as you like

(Rclick arrow after installing > Google deskbar options > customized searches tab > add >

Name > Onelook Dictionary
URL >{1}&ls=a say [url]
and add in a simple query say hell, youd get >

change that to >{1}
and add it to the customized searches
now you can directly query from the taskbar :D

PS I like onelook much better than any other online dictionary, it will give you a basic definition (lost in this case)

Quick definitions (lost)

noun: people who are destined to die soon
adjective: no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered (Example: "A lost child")
adjective: spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed (Example: "Lost souls")
adjective: not gained or won (Example: "A lost battle")
adjective: incapable of being recovered or regained (Example: "His lost honor")
adjective: not caught with

and than linkage to alot of online dictionaries

General (17 matching dictionaries)

lost : Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition [home, info]

lost : Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition [home, info]

lost : Cambridge International Dictionary of English [home, info]

lost : The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus [home, info]

lost : The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language [home, info]

lost : Infoplease Dictionary [home, info]

lost : [home, info]

Lost, lost : UltraLingua English Dictionary [home, info]

lost : Cambridge Dictionary of American English [home, info]

lost, lost : Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms [home, info]

Lost : Online Plain Text English Dictionary [home, info]

lost : Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition [home, info]

lost : Rhymezone [home, info]

lost : Multi-Lingual Dictionary [home, info]

lost : Webster's 1828 Dictionary [home, info]

lost : WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info]

lost : LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info]

Art (1 matching dictionary)

lost : ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science [home, info]

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)

lost : The On-line Medical Dictionary [home, info]

Miscellaneous (2 matching dictionaries)

LOST : Acronym Finder [home, info]

LOST : [home, info]

Slang (1 matching dictionary)

lost : Macquarie Book of Slang [home, info]

Tech (1 matching dictionary)

lost : DOD Dictionary of Military Terms: NATO Only Terms [home, info]

Phrases that include lost: lost tribes, lost cause, lost and found, lost wax casting, won lost record, more...

Words similar to lost: baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, disoriented, doomed, forgotten, helpless, lose, lostness, mazed, mislaid, missed, mixed-up, preoccupied, asea, at sea, deep in thought, more...
yea, ive worked with before, and i like them... but i was looking for a piece of software that would be on my hard drive, no need for an internet connection. Instead of google toolbars... no offense, i just don't like toolbars.