Going to Gigabit


Feb 12, 2007
I've been throwing this idea around for quite some time, but have failed to find any info about it.

Basically, the server will eventually be used for a TON more stuff. It is entirely possible that 100Mbps could keep up with it, I just don't know. Even if I think it does, the fact remains that it could possibly make it much faster.

So, Gigabit comes to mind.

Mainly... How can I analyze how much traffic a segment is getting? In other words, how can I actually see when the media is getting maxed out, and would benifit from Gigabit? This would not only tell me IF Gigabit would help, but also tell me where it would not help (IE, on less populated segments and such).

Any general info would be great. Live GPS tracking systems, VoIP systems, video, etc will be coming into play, and I think Gigabit may eventually be a requirement.
Just open the network utilization chart and see what its up too. The office I work at uses 100base all throughout the office. The only time gigabyte would be helpful is when we are coping 40GB VM sessions down to servers we are preparing to go out.
That really won't tell me how much utilization is on the rest of my segments...
Yes, but it doesn't have any of those capabilities though. I was wondering if there wasn't some way to monitor from a single computer how long it takes and what the load is like, which would be better increased by Gigabit?
I know with the procurve line of switches, there is a GUI interface that shows you exactly what the load is on each individual port.
not the best way of doing it, but you could aways use cain and abel to do an arp attack. This would forward all of the network's traffic through your computer. At this point you could monitor your computer's network traffic with something like duMeter