Go 6800 Ultra noise level?


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
Does anyone know how loud the Geforce Go 6800 Ultra is? Im just about to buy a laptop and have the choice between the geforce and a Radeon X300. I dont really want it to be really loud because I need to use it for work too.
x300 isn't going to give you great gaming performance...
You're kind of comparing a higher-end gaming card with a budget card. Almost an apples and oranges thing...
I wouldnt say that either video card is loud. The system fan will be the loudest thing typically in any laptop. Gaming obviously would be a stress to the machine that could cause the fans to come on. The 6800 would probably be running hotter and making the fans come on a bit more as well.

Perhaps by giving us details on the model you are looking at would help us give you better info on system noise.
its no louder than any other system when it gets hot. you can hear when its working hard it but its nothing